Raw Log January 25, 2005

Welcome to the DarknessUnvailed play group server.
We had been playing every Tuesday night in person, but lives are getting more and more complected, so we have moved here. This server is temperary, so it will only be up during games and testing.
Storyteller in the VtR game
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed to OpenRPG!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.

[Wed Jan 25 00:20:14 2006] : Moving to room 'Rictus'..
[Wed Jan 25 00:20:14 2006] : (1) enwewn (enter): 00:20
[Wed Jan 25 00:20:14 2006] : Server Administrator-> * Rictus
Welcome to Rictus
A few rules for this room...
For those who are just joining us, please whisper to the Gms or Players.
(Please limit what you say to the DM as he has enough to do.)
You are more then welcome to lurk, if it looks interesting to you,
stick around until the end as we will open up the room to comments then.
If you are a player...
1. Have fun…
2. Do not move minis that do not belong to you...
3. Do not draw on the screen unless you are casting a spell or need to show a radius for some game related reason…
4. If ((ooc)) does not surround a statement it will be assumed that you are speaking in character…
If you say it in character it could have serious consequences…
5. Do not whisper to the DM unless it is game related…
6. If you whisper to another character what your intentions are but do not relay that to the DM it does not “count”…
7. Spell casters you must announce what your spell is at the beginning of the round or you will forfeit your spell…
All others you must declare your action ,ie. sword, axe, run like a scared little bitch, before you roll initiative.
8. Initiative will be called for as ((initiative)) Joe (Horis,enwewn) will execute the start of the rolls by typing the name of each player in order.
On your turn state your intentions and roll with modifier.
You will be responsible for keeping track of your own number. The DM will call for each successive number by sending ((next)).
9. Each player will have one minute to execute their action when their turn comes around in the round.
If a player misses their turn in a round they will wait until the last turn in the round to execute their action regardless of the consequences…
Actions go as follows:
Declare action in full, roll to hit, announce ((hit)) or ((miss)), roll damage.
10. Spell casters… If you are hit in a round before you cast ,you loose your spell and the points associated with it…
11. If you have technical questions about the game whisper to Joe or Nick…(Preferably Nick as Joe is doing other things already.)
If Nick or Joe have a question they will see the DM about the issue…
12. Figure your modifiers out and add them into your die roller before you roll…
13. If you disagree with a ruling by the DM you may appeal. You will loose but you may appeal. Just kidding.
State your case in the open forum and I will review the case before game play continues.
Keep appeals down by appealing life and death issues not mundane things like:
“I missed that by 1 and I forgot my modifier” two actions later…
14. If the DM calls for a proficiency check [to appear as ((prof:check)) ] the DM may roll it or you may roll it depending on the situation.
DM will state which after the check call.
15. The DM may not roll all rolls on the server.
This is essential for game play because the DM may need to fudge rolls from time to time so as to save a characters proverbial butt…
16. The players will roll all rolls in the server unless otherwise directed …
17. The DM is always right…
18. If the DM is wrong see above…
19. The DM does not kill characters stupid players kill characters…
20. Do not blame the DM he only does what the dice tell him to do…
Now if you read all that, good for you.
If not read it please, as it will help the game play. hopefully
Todd: DM; DM and anything else...
Horis: Dwarf; War Priest of Afmin, aka enwewn, the man with the server
Kahlan: Human; Mage, aka KittyKat
Miltonberry: Gnome; Fighter, aka Ken
Malkiev: Human; Paladin, aka Archaviel
Valdrin: Myrinish (Drow); Theif, aka Mike
Telinous: Salnish (Wood Elf); Rogue, aka Nug
Dori Valorian: Human; Spell Fire user, aka Deb

[Wed Jan 25 00:20:36 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) enwewn...
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:26 2006] : (2) Kahlan (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:35 2006] : (5) Ken (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:38 2006] : (6) Nick (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:39 2006] : (5) Ken (exit): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:39 2006] : (5) Ken (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:42 2006] : (3) Mike (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:47 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Kahlan...
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:50 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Nick...
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:52 2006] : (7) Todd (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:54 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Mike...
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:56 2006] : (4) Dori (enter): 00:31
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:57 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Mike...
[Wed Jan 25 00:31:58 2006] : (3) Mike: there we go
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:00 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Ken...
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:04 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (7) Todd...
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:04 2006] : (7) Todd: Well hello there everyone
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:07 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (4) Dori...
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:10 2006] : (5) Ken: Hello, all
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:10 2006] : (2) Kahlan: hi
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:18 2006] : DM: bout time there dudes
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:22 2006] : joe do you want to do init or do you want me to? added to list at init count 3 !
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:22 2006] : (3) Mike: joe do you want to do init or do you want me to?
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:23 2006] : (3) Mike: ) enwewnjoe do you want to do init or do you want me to? added to list at init count 3 ! added to list at init count 1 !
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:24 2006] : DM: Hi Joe and Ken
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:38 2006] : (3) Mike: Clearing Initiative List !
[Wed Jan 25 00:32:58 2006] : (1) enwewn: you can I don't care that much I have it loaded so have fun...
[Wed Jan 25 00:34:36 2006] : (1) enwewn: After last time we all had a nights rest and I heal everyone to max (Dori still needs SF) that sound right Todd
[Wed Jan 25 00:34:52 2006] : DM: every one refresh your character names dso you come up ic
[Wed Jan 25 00:34:52 2006] : (4) Dori: actually Dori is still hurt too.
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:05 2006] : DM: sounds right
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:14 2006] : Valdrin: ....
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:29 2006] : Milton: ((testing))
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:37 2006] : DM: teste
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:40 2006] : DM: testes
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:45 2006] : DM: 1
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:47 2006] : DM: 2
[Wed Jan 25 00:35:50 2006] : DM: 3?
[Wed Jan 25 00:36:01 2006] : Valdrin: does everyone understnad how to type init rolls now?
[Wed Jan 25 00:36:14 2006] : Valdrin: "name" {1d10+speed} init
[Wed Jan 25 00:36:16 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( Attacking )) [1d10+4] -> [6,4] = (10)
[Wed Jan 25 00:36:57 2006] : DM: Does any one have any die rolls the yneed to make?
[Wed Jan 25 00:37:20 2006] : Horis added to list at init count 15 !
[Wed Jan 25 00:37:20 2006] : (1) Horis: Horis [1d10+7] -> [8,7] = (15) init
[Wed Jan 25 00:37:29 2006] : (1) Horis: Horis [1d10+7] -> [5,7] = (12)init
[Wed Jan 25 00:37:47 2006] : (1) Horis: ok I got lets go...
[Wed Jan 25 00:38:17 2006] : Valdrin: Clearing Initiative List !
[Wed Jan 25 00:39:26 2006] : Valdrin: joe type /init
[Wed Jan 25 00:39:31 2006] : Valdrin: should say off
[Wed Jan 25 00:39:41 2006] : Init recording off.
[Wed Jan 25 00:39:53 2006] : DM: When we last met out friendly neighborhood heros and heroines left off from a rather taxing fight with a talking reptile that seemed to be fiercly proud of its non wyrm heritage...
[Wed Jan 25 00:40:23 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Malkiev [1d10+4] -> [1,4] = (5) init
[Wed Jan 25 00:40:30 2006] : DM: This last encounter left them all in much need of rest and healing and much was accomplished in this regard after a nights rest....
[Wed Jan 25 00:40:54 2006] : (4) Dori: Dori and Horis were talking about religion as they were working on the raft.
[Wed Jan 25 00:41:01 2006] : (4) Dori: the last I noted.
[Wed Jan 25 00:41:17 2006] : (1) Horis: ((sounds right))
[Wed Jan 25 00:41:36 2006] : Milton: ((the rest were sleeping))
[Wed Jan 25 00:41:40 2006] : DM: They now find themselves closing in on the last weeks of the last month before fall....
[Wed Jan 25 00:41:40 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( i believe we were calling it a worm..... not wyrm ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:42:27 2006] : Milton: (( does it really matter what we were calling it?))
[Wed Jan 25 00:42:55 2006] : DM: It is now the 25th Methinon and it is early morning just prior to sunrise and the temp hovers around a balmy 45 degrees
[Wed Jan 25 00:43:43 2006] : (4) Dori: "Dang its chilly." Dori says as she pauses from her work on the raft to rub her injured shoulder.
[Wed Jan 25 00:43:49 2006] : DM: The last person on watch finds himself tending a twindling fire and hearing the disturbing sounds of swamp creatures about him
[Wed Jan 25 00:44:52 2006] : DM: Nutrias and swamp rats compete for prime spots on the edges of the camp waiting for stray scarps of food or flesh
[Wed Jan 25 00:45:13 2006] : (4) Dori: ((what's a Nutrias))
[Wed Jan 25 00:46:20 2006] : DM: ((Nutria isa large rodent much like a rat but very tasty
[Wed Jan 25 00:47:38 2006] : Milton: Hey Dori, How are you coming on the raft?
[Wed Jan 25 00:47:52 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( "ROUSs? I don't believe they exist. ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:47:55 2006] : (4) Dori: ((good question, is it done yet Todd))
[Wed Jan 25 00:48:37 2006] : DM: flesh would suffice for the likes of the vermin like denziens of the swamp...
[Wed Jan 25 00:49:17 2006] : Milton: (( unless I'm wrong - and I'm never wrong, I'd say they're headed dead into the fore swamp ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:49:25 2006] : DM: (( I was wondering if anyone was gonna give me any ideas as to how they were gonna build it))
[Wed Jan 25 00:49:30 2006] : Milton: ((fire, even))
[Wed Jan 25 00:49:57 2006] : (4) Dori: ((Log lashed together with Tenenilous's rope))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:01 2006] : Valdrin: ((With empty oil barrels and some steel cable))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:26 2006] : DM: (( what is this Mike a jaws movie?))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:32 2006] : (1) Horis: ((i don't know i amjust along for the ride))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:36 2006] : Milton: (( what's oil? ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:51 2006] : (1) Horis: ((that stuff you burn in lamps))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:53 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( I'm still not sure I wanna get on this death trap boat they are making ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:50:54 2006] : DM: (( Hey that gives me an idea...))
[Wed Jan 25 00:51:10 2006] : DM: (( So anyway))
[Wed Jan 25 00:51:16 2006] : (4) Dori: ((2 rows of logs basical perpenticular to each other))
[Wed Jan 25 00:51:25 2006] : DM: (( And what does not exist Kat?))
[Wed Jan 25 00:51:53 2006] : Milton: (( do you mean parallel?))
[Wed Jan 25 00:51:55 2006] : (6) Malkiev: ((I'm not sure I want to build a raft anymore. God knows what will jump out at us next time we try. ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:04 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( lol))
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:12 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well Mitlon, its just about done. Not sure if it will float but we might as well try it."
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:15 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( knowing todd, probably a door ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:22 2006] : (1) Horis: ((no she was right a stack of two layers))
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:24 2006] : Milton: (( God knows what might jump out of the raft ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:52:58 2006] : Milton: (( got it ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:53:23 2006] : (4) Dori: "Horis, Malkiev, Valdrin can you help me get it to the water. My shoulder is still wounded, and I really can't lift it."
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:08 2006] : (1) Horis: Sure that will tell us if we did any thing right...
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:22 2006] : (6) Malkiev: okay
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:30 2006] : Valdrin: alright
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:43 2006] : (4) Dori: "Thank you, gentlemen." Dori replies.
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:48 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev Goes over to the raft-buildng site. **
[Wed Jan 25 00:54:53 2006] : DM: (( strength checks against max press at a plus 5))
[Wed Jan 25 00:55:04 2006] : ** Valdrin follows Malkiev **
[Wed Jan 25 00:55:13 2006] : (8) Sensuna (enter): 00:55
[Wed Jan 25 00:55:18 2006] : ** (1) Horis starts to push **
[Wed Jan 25 00:55:51 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:55:56 2006] : ** (4) Dori stands by and helps by directing the operation. **
[Wed Jan 25 00:56:04 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( roll what? ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:56:12 2006] : (8) Sensuna: ((Sorry, just peeking about seeing if any games had openings. They are so hard to come by... I saw you weren't locked, so I decided to come.))
[Wed Jan 25 00:56:31 2006] : DM: (( strength checks at a +5 against max press))
[Wed Jan 25 00:56:49 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( I got that. WTF does that mean? ))
[Wed Jan 25 00:57:07 2006] : Valdrin: [1d100+5] -> [89,5] = (94) vs 55
[Wed Jan 25 00:57:09 2006] : Valdrin: right?
[Wed Jan 25 00:57:23 2006] : (8) Sensuna: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 00:57:23 2006] : (8) Sensuna (exit): 00:57
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:05 2006] : DM: (( d20 against your max press on character sheet under strength))
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:26 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [17] = (17) vs 55
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:34 2006] : (6) Malkiev: [1d20+5] -> [15,5] = (20) vs 280
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:40 2006] : DM: (( i need to know what your max press is to know how far the raft moves for you as a group))
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:40 2006] : (4) Dori: ((Max press is weight amount.)
[Wed Jan 25 00:58:56 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20+5] -> [17,5] = (22)
[Wed Jan 25 00:59:06 2006] : (1) Horis: ((mp 140))
[Wed Jan 25 00:59:19 2006] : (1) Horis: ((stg 13))
[Wed Jan 25 01:00:08 2006] : ** (4) Dori sugests using a few logs as rollers to make it easier to move. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:00:39 2006] : DM: (( remember a plus means you subtract it from your roll on a ability check))
[Wed Jan 25 01:00:50 2006] : (1) Horis: It is not that far we should be able to make it with out those...
[Wed Jan 25 01:00:52 2006] : DM: (( a plus is always a good thing ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:03 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20-5] -> [19,-5] = (14) vs 55
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:19 2006] : (6) Malkiev: [1d20-5] -> [6,-5] = (1) vs 280
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:32 2006] : (1) Horis: [Bad dice format] - [1d20-5.vs140]
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:34 2006] : DM: (( like malkiev was gonna fail))
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:41 2006] : DM: (( LOL))
[Wed Jan 25 01:01:58 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20-5] -> [8,-5] = (3).vs140
[Wed Jan 25 01:03:02 2006] : DM: The raft lifts rather easiky as if buiilt out of rather bouant wood and is in the water wit a minimal amount of effort
[Wed Jan 25 01:03:32 2006] : (4) Dori: "See it floats." Dori says with some surprise.
[Wed Jan 25 01:03:40 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( and we pushed so hard, it floats off without us ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:03:41 2006] : (4) Dori: "I told you it would."
[Wed Jan 25 01:03:45 2006] : (1) Horis: Ok so who first to try it out?
[Wed Jan 25 01:04:07 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm, how about Malkiew since he is the heaviest."
[Wed Jan 25 01:04:34 2006] : (6) Malkiev: How do you know what I weigh?
[Wed Jan 25 01:04:57 2006] : (1) Horis: The arrom gives it away...
[Wed Jan 25 01:05:09 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well I am guess, since muscle weighs more than fat and you are the strongest here obviously."
[Wed Jan 25 01:05:16 2006] : (4) Dori: guessing*
[Wed Jan 25 01:05:21 2006] : (6) Malkiev: What, exactly is a arrom?
[Wed Jan 25 01:06:10 2006] : (1) Horis: ((armor))
[Wed Jan 25 01:06:12 2006] : (4) Dori: "So how about it Malkiev are you going to test out the raft for us."
[Wed Jan 25 01:06:44 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev shrugs and hops onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:06:54 2006] : DM: ((dex check))
[Wed Jan 25 01:07:10 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( DEX 13 )) [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
[Wed Jan 25 01:07:20 2006] : ** (4) Dori watches to make sure that it doesn't start to sink or overturn. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:07:41 2006] : (4) Dori: "Okay make sure to keep the weight balanced. Horis why don't you go next."
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:11 2006] : DM: Malkiev hops onto the raft and seems almost ready to fall in but then balances out and stands confidently on the raft...
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:12 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev almost loses his balance as the raft sways a bit, but manages to stay on top of it. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:29 2006] : (1) Horis: yeah, I am on that...
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:38 2006] : ** (1) Horis jumps to the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:50 2006] : (4) Dori: "Valdrin can you go see if you can find some things to use as poles to move this."
[Wed Jan 25 01:08:58 2006] : (1) Horis: ((dex 13)) [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:01 2006] : Valdrin: sure thing
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:03 2006] : DM: ((dex check Joe))
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:09 2006] : DM: (nvm))
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:18 2006] : (4) Dori: "Miltonberry, you go next."
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:46 2006] : DM: With the ease of a fairie Horis nimbly jumps ont othe raft
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:50 2006] : ** Valdrin wanders off , looking for some sturdy straight branches or a fallen tree **
[Wed Jan 25 01:09:51 2006] : DM: ((milton))
[Wed Jan 25 01:10:17 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( mental image of a dwarf with little fairie wings ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:10:23 2006] : ** Milton hoists himself up onto the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 01:10:42 2006] : DM: ((milton dex))
[Wed Jan 25 01:10:50 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 25 01:11:06 2006] : Milton: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 01:11:15 2006] : (4) Dori: "Okay, Kahlan your next." Dori declares
[Wed Jan 25 01:11:40 2006] : DM: In a matter that surprise many of you the gnome mangaes to get on board and not slip once
[Wed Jan 25 01:11:43 2006] : (2) Kahlan: i'll get on in a minute
[Wed Jan 25 01:11:44 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hey Valdrin hurry up. We are almost ready to go."
[Wed Jan 25 01:12:03 2006] : Valdrin: I'm working on it
[Wed Jan 25 01:12:29 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan takes a last circuit around the campsite to make sure nothing is being left behind. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:12:40 2006] : Valdrin: got em
[Wed Jan 25 01:12:53 2006] : ** Valdrin steps gently onto the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 01:12:58 2006] : (4) Dori: Dori waits impatiently for Kahlan,
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:02 2006] : DM: ((roll dex ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:06 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan starts towards the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:27 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [5] = (5) vs 14
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:47 2006] : (2) Kahlan: trys to get on the raft.
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:56 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [10] = (10) vs 15
[Wed Jan 25 01:13:59 2006] : DM: The nimble Murinish archer seems at home on the water as he slips in next to the gnome
[Wed Jan 25 01:14:07 2006] : DM: (( dex Kahlan))
[Wed Jan 25 01:14:19 2006] : ** (4) Dori is prepared to catch Kahlan if she slips. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:14:45 2006] : (2) Kahlan: i passed
[Wed Jan 25 01:15:16 2006] : (4) Dori: "Tenenilous get on the raft."
[Wed Jan 25 01:15:39 2006] : DM: The mage hops on board and then you all realize that there is only about room for half of Dori
[Wed Jan 25 01:16:02 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( We'll take the bottom half ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:16:12 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( lol i was going to say that ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:16:32 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh dang it." Dori mutter. "Squeeze together guys and make room for me."
[Wed Jan 25 01:16:46 2006] : DM: ((dex -5 dori))
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:00 2006] : (1) Horis: ((time to get wet...))
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:07 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20+5] -> [8,5] = (13) vs 18
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:08 2006] : (2) Kahlan: do you know how long it has been since we bathed??? and you want us to squeeze together?
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:28 2006] : (4) Dori: ((pass with no problem))
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:31 2006] : DM: (( no time like the present))
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:42 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hold your nose."
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:42 2006] : (6) Malkiev: There's plenty of water, you can bathe any thime you want.
[Wed Jan 25 01:17:58 2006] : (2) Kahlan: somehow i don't think bathing in swamp water will help.....
[Wed Jan 25 01:18:30 2006] : DM: Dori lands on the raft right on top of Kahlan's foot and half on Valdrin
[Wed Jan 25 01:18:45 2006] : (6) Malkiev: You're going to find out soon enough if you keep complaining.
[Wed Jan 25 01:18:50 2006] : (4) Dori: "I told you guys to squeeze together."
[Wed Jan 25 01:18:51 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan half shoves Dori. Get off my foot **
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:18 2006] : ** (4) Dori will try to keep from beginning shoved off the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:34 2006] : Milton: stop shoving!
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:37 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is not shoving her that hard. more like a nudge **
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:38 2006] : (4) Dori: "So shoving."
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:49 2006] : (4) Dori: "Stop shoving."
[Wed Jan 25 01:19:55 2006] : (4) Dori: "Stop nudging."
[Wed Jan 25 01:20:10 2006] : (2) Kahlan: stop repeating yourself
[Wed Jan 25 01:20:27 2006] : DM: (( who is at the "front" of the raft and who is gonna be the pole man))
[Wed Jan 25 01:20:54 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I'll pole.
[Wed Jan 25 01:20:54 2006] : ** Valdrin moves to the back and takes a pole **
[Wed Jan 25 01:20:56 2006] : (4) Dori: "Lets just get this thing moving. I want to get get across. Malkiev you pole this thing. Since you are the strongest."
[Wed Jan 25 01:21:01 2006] : (1) Horis: Valadrin hand me a pole.
[Wed Jan 25 01:21:22 2006] : ** Valdrin passes a pole to Malkiev and a twig to Horis **
[Wed Jan 25 01:21:30 2006] : Valdrin: That should be about right
[Wed Jan 25 01:21:35 2006] : ** Milton is enjoying the ride **
[Wed Jan 25 01:21:47 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev takes the pole. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:22:00 2006] : ** (1) Horis throughs the twig at Milton... **
[Wed Jan 25 01:22:16 2006] : ** (4) Dori makes her way to the front of the raft and tries to scout the best route to the otherside. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:22:25 2006] : (1) Horis: I didn't ever want to be on a boat with you agian...
[Wed Jan 25 01:22:55 2006] : (2) Kahlan: little late to bring that up now isn't Horis?
[Wed Jan 25 01:23:03 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well is not a boat technically," Dori reminds him.
[Wed Jan 25 01:23:04 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev begins working his pole. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:23:23 2006] : Milton: Wha... Hey! stop throwing things
[Wed Jan 25 01:23:48 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( whips out a twenty and waits for Malky to come close enough to shove it down his pants ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:24:02 2006] : (4) Dori: "Okay guys a little to the left."
[Wed Jan 25 01:24:09 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( Dives off the raft ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:24:09 2006] : (1) Horis: well he needs to get off this thing first...
[Wed Jan 25 01:24:20 2006] : (4) Dori: ((my thoughts were more distrubing)
[Wed Jan 25 01:24:48 2006] : Milton: (( not even close))
[Wed Jan 25 01:25:04 2006] : DM: (( who evew ris polling rolla int and dex chek to see if you can get in sync...))
[Wed Jan 25 01:25:46 2006] : (4) Dori: "Miltonberry, Kahlan can you keep an eye on the water to make sure nothing sneaks up on us."
[Wed Jan 25 01:26:06 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( INT 11 )) [1d20] -> [10] = (10) (( DEX 13 )) [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Jan 25 01:26:06 2006] : Milton: like that's gonna help
[Wed Jan 25 01:26:22 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( 2x pass ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:26:23 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well it ain't going to hurt."
[Wed Jan 25 01:26:53 2006] : DM: (( who is navigatin?))
[Wed Jan 25 01:27:02 2006] : (4) Dori: ((dori))
[Wed Jan 25 01:27:28 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( Navigating? I'm not lost. Idon't NEED deirections ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:27:32 2006] : Valdrin: i got it... Int 16 [1d20] -> [14] = (14) Dex 14 [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 25 01:27:41 2006] : DM: (( dori roll a perception check at a -5))
[Wed Jan 25 01:27:50 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan turns to Dori..... "Yeah cause can you see anything is this soup we are rafting on?" **
[Wed Jan 25 01:28:53 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20+5] -> [8,5] = (13) vs 12
[Wed Jan 25 01:29:16 2006] : (4) Dori: "No i can't that is why I asked you to help"
[Wed Jan 25 01:30:12 2006] : (2) Kahlan: "and what good is it going to do? since we are rafting we can't even look for telltale ripples in the water. it's like trying to see through dirt."
[Wed Jan 25 01:30:13 2006] : (4) Dori: "A little to the right guys."
[Wed Jan 25 01:30:42 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well you might be able to see the ripples that are away from the raft."
[Wed Jan 25 01:30:59 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm, a little more to the right guys."
[Wed Jan 25 01:31:01 2006] : DM: (( Malkiev and Valdrin you feel the poles sink in a good for feet into the muck at the bottom))
[Wed Jan 25 01:32:10 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev works his pole a bit to the right. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:32:24 2006] : (9) Sanitie (enter): 01:32
[Wed Jan 25 01:32:31 2006] : DM: It becomes a struggle t oget the poles out each thrust....
[Wed Jan 25 01:32:47 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm we need to go left guys."
[Wed Jan 25 01:33:08 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev works it to the left. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:33:37 2006] : ** Valdrin follows his lead **
[Wed Jan 25 01:33:45 2006] : (4) Dori: "Okay, just a tad more to the left and then straight ahead."
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:06 2006] : ** Milton looks at the map **
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:14 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev straightens out after a bit more leftage. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:29 2006] : DM: The raft suddenly lurches to stop as it runs into a partially submerged mass of mud and mire....
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:37 2006] : DM: ((dex checks everyone))
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:46 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Dori))
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:51 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh dang it where it that come from." Dori grumbles.
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:53 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:55 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Valdrin))
[Wed Jan 25 01:34:58 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( DEX 13 )) [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:01 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:05 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:09 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Malkiev))
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:09 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [3] = (3) vs 14
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:17 2006] : Milton: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:18 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:22 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [11] = (11) vs 15
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:26 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:39 2006] : (1) Horis: [Bad dice format] - [1d20.vs13]
[Wed Jan 25 01:35:47 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20.vs(13)] -> [20] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:36:18 2006] : (4) Dori: "Everyone okay," Dori asks having barely feeling the hit.
[Wed Jan 25 01:36:21 2006] : DM: Kahlan lurhes forwrd nd to the side and appears to be going into the water....
[Wed Jan 25 01:36:39 2006] : ** (1) Horis start to fall **
[Wed Jan 25 01:37:03 2006] : DM: ((horris goes off the opposite side a JKahlan
[Wed Jan 25 01:37:14 2006] : (4) Dori: Dori thinks for a second about pushing her but instead, attempt to catch Kahlan.
[Wed Jan 25 01:37:19 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev watches everyone trying not to fall off. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:37:39 2006] : DM: ((Dori dex at a -10))
[Wed Jan 25 01:38:03 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20+10] -> [4,10] = (14) vs 18
[Wed Jan 25 01:38:34 2006] : DM: ((Dori strength at a -6))
[Wed Jan 25 01:38:36 2006] : (4) Dori: "You okay Kahlan you almost went for a swim."
[Wed Jan 25 01:38:50 2006] : (2) Kahlan: no i didn't you idiot
[Wed Jan 25 01:38:51 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20+6] -> [17,6] = (23) vs 17
[Wed Jan 25 01:39:13 2006] : (4) Dori: ((I guess you did))
[Wed Jan 25 01:39:28 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan glances around.... "Where is Horis?" **
[Wed Jan 25 01:39:46 2006] : (1) Horis: well this is a fine mess...
[Wed Jan 25 01:39:51 2006] : DM: (( Horis roll a con chek))
[Wed Jan 25 01:40:06 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev points at the water to the side of the raft, where Horis went over. "There" **
[Wed Jan 25 01:40:19 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20.vs(17)] -> [11] = (0)
[Wed Jan 25 01:40:33 2006] : (4) Dori: "Poke the sticks down there. Maybe he can grab on and pull himself out."
[Wed Jan 25 01:40:41 2006] : (4) Dori: one*
[Wed Jan 25 01:40:59 2006] : (2) Kahlan: great.....
[Wed Jan 25 01:41:19 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is searching for sign of Horis **
[Wed Jan 25 01:41:23 2006] : DM: Horis appears to be in the swamp below the raft but all you can see of him is a trail of bubbles coming up fro mthe water as he lets out his spent air and he holds his breath...
[Wed Jan 25 01:41:25 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev carefully walks over to where horis fell off and pokes his stick into the water. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:42:06 2006] : ** (1) Horis tryes to grab at the thing the keeps poking him **
[Wed Jan 25 01:42:14 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh fuck, Stand back. I'll go get him." Dori moves to that side of the raft and takes off her backpack and boots.
[Wed Jan 25 01:42:41 2006] : DM: (dex check Horris))
[Wed Jan 25 01:42:57 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20.vs(13)] -> [16] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:43:03 2006] : (1) Horis: ((fail))
[Wed Jan 25 01:43:14 2006] : (4) Dori: "Stop poking. I'm going in after him."
[Wed Jan 25 01:43:36 2006] : ** (4) Dori dives into the swamp water thinking he better appreciate this. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:43:38 2006] : DM: ((con check Horis))
[Wed Jan 25 01:43:48 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20.vs(17)] -> [11] = (0)
[Wed Jan 25 01:44:02 2006] : DM: ((Dpri roll a d12))
[Wed Jan 25 01:44:07 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d12] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 01:45:07 2006] : DM: Horis seems to be holding his breat hrathe rwell for a dwarf and one has to wonder if this is due mostly to his days fof bobbing for hams in barrels of ale....
[Wed Jan 25 01:45:42 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( roflmao ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:46:07 2006] : (9) Sanitie: (( chuckles sorry ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:46:39 2006] : DM: Dori on the other hand dives over the side of the raft and goes head first into water only 12 inches deep or so and finds herself stuck into the muck and mire she was trying to avoid...
[Wed Jan 25 01:46:53 2006] : whispering to Sanitie, it ok we interupt the game enough that yours won't be noticed right now...
[Wed Jan 25 01:47:09 2006] : (2) Kahlan: stand back everyone Dori to the rescue
[Wed Jan 25 01:47:28 2006] : (2) Kahlan: try the pole agin guys... we gotta save horis
[Wed Jan 25 01:48:11 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev never took the pole out of the water, so it's still dangling in front of the rock... err dwarf. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:49:19 2006] : ** (1) Horis still tring to get a hold of thing the keeps poking him **
[Wed Jan 25 01:49:30 2006] : DM: ((horis roll a dex at -4))
[Wed Jan 25 01:49:51 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is taking off her boots and backpack. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:49:53 2006] : Milton: you know... Dori's pretty and all, but not the smartest person I've ever met.
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:16 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan sits at the edge of the raft that horis went over....... **
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:17 2006] : (1) Horis: [Bad dice format] - [1d20-4.vs(13)]
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:22 2006] : (10) Midnight Stalker (enter): 01:50
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:24 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20-4] -> [10,-4] = (6)
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:25 2006] : Milton: Uh, Kahlan. What are you doing?
[Wed Jan 25 01:50:45 2006] : (1) Horis: ((fail even if it was done the right way...))
[Wed Jan 25 01:51:11 2006] : DM: In the ensuing commotion of Dori diving off the raft milton looses his footing and finds himslef going over the back of the raft...
[Wed Jan 25 01:51:13 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( And with everyone gathered at one side, the raft tips..... and we all fall down. ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:51:20 2006] : (2) Kahlan: i'm not going to be diving over the side of the raft.... but i can swim, so i figured if i lowered myself along the pole i could try and grab horis
[Wed Jan 25 01:51:36 2006] : DM: ((Dex check at a 8))
[Wed Jan 25 01:52:10 2006] : DM: Dori pulls herself from the mud and makes her way towards Horis last location....
[Wed Jan 25 01:52:41 2006] : ** (1) Horis arms flailing to find that thing that keeps poking him **
[Wed Jan 25 01:52:42 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( who todd? ))
[Wed Jan 25 01:52:47 2006] : (4) Dori: "I'm in the water, no need for you go get muddy Kahlan, I got him,"
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:20 2006] : (2) Kahlan: stop telling me what to do
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:26 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( The thing isn't poking him, it's staying still, fright in front of his face.
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:29 2006] : DM: (( Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:33 2006] : ** (4) Dori dives down at Horis' last location. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:44 2006] : DM: ((-8))
[Wed Jan 25 01:53:49 2006] : ** (6) nick slaps the typofaerie. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:54:07 2006] : (6) Malkiev:
[Wed Jan 25 01:54:29 2006] : DM: ((typofairie is smashed againts Malkiev's shoulder in little clops of muck))
[Wed Jan 25 01:54:44 2006] : ** Milton tries to grab on to something as he falls from the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:02 2006] : DM: ((roll it Ken))
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:08 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan hears the splash and turns in time to see milton fall off. "just great" **
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:24 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan moves over to where milton fell off **
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:39 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:48 2006] : Milton: ((fail))
[Wed Jan 25 01:55:56 2006] : DM: (( Dori roll a dex check))
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:01 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:03 2006] : (4) Dori: pass
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:08 2006] : DM: (( Horis roll a con at -5))
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:42 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20.vs(12)] -> [6] = (0)
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:50 2006] : DM: Milton goes over into the water backside first and slips down outta sight....
[Wed Jan 25 01:56:54 2006] : (1) Horis: ((con 17 pass))
[Wed Jan 25 01:57:19 2006] : DM: Dori grabs Horis....
[Wed Jan 25 01:57:29 2006] : DM: (( Horis rolla surprise check))
[Wed Jan 25 01:57:34 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Jan 25 01:57:39 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is looking for a trail of bubbles to mark where milton is **
[Wed Jan 25 01:57:56 2006] : DM: ((Milton con check))
[Wed Jan 25 01:58:08 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 25 01:58:16 2006] : Milton: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 01:59:13 2006] : DM: Horis feels himslef grabbed by a smallish hand....
[Wed Jan 25 01:59:32 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan lowers herself off the raft feet first when she spots Milton and heads after him. **
[Wed Jan 25 01:59:46 2006] : ** (1) Horis tries to get a hold of it **
[Wed Jan 25 01:59:46 2006] : ** (4) Dori grabs Horis and kicks towards the surface. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:00:27 2006] : DM: (( Kahlan roll a perception check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:00:39 2006] : ** (1) Horis holds tight as he is pulled up **
[Wed Jan 25 02:00:49 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [4] = (4) vs 17
[Wed Jan 25 02:00:55 2006] : (2) Kahlan: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:00:56 2006] : DM: (( Dori strength check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:01:03 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Jan 25 02:01:05 2006] : (4) Dori: pass
[Wed Jan 25 02:02:01 2006] : ** (4) Dori breaks the surface of the water with Horis in tow. "Somebody hoist this dwarf onto the freaking raft. Hmm where's Miltonberry and Kahlan" **
[Wed Jan 25 02:02:05 2006] : DM: Kahllan you find Milton sitting in the mud at the bottom of the swamp and can grab him no problem...
[Wed Jan 25 02:02:33 2006] : DM: (( Milton roll a surprise ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:02:54 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev kneels down and attempts to pull horis onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:25 2006] : DM: (( Malkiev dex check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:32 2006] : Milton: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:45 2006] : DM: (( d6 Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:48 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( DEX 13 )) [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:51 2006] : Milton: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 25 02:03:56 2006] : (6) Malkiev: ((PASS))
[Wed Jan 25 02:04:32 2006] : DM: Milton you feel a hand touch you but have no idea what it is....All you know is that something in the water is trying to grab you...
[Wed Jan 25 02:04:43 2006] : DM: (( Malkie strength check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:04:47 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( STR 18 )) [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
[Wed Jan 25 02:04:55 2006] : (6) Malkiev: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:05:22 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is going to try and hold onto Milton as she kicks towards the surface. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:05:47 2006] : ** Milton panics as he feels something move past him and tries to bat it away **
[Wed Jan 25 02:05:56 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev barely manages to get Horis onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:06:20 2006] : DM: (( Milton roll a to hit against a -3))
[Wed Jan 25 02:06:23 2006] : ** (1) Horis turns over and sit on the edge of the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 02:06:34 2006] : (1) Horis: fine mess this has become
[Wed Jan 25 02:07:09 2006] : ** (4) Dori moves around the raft to assist Kahlan after realizing that she is attempting to rescue Milton. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:07:10 2006] : DM: (( yes Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 02:07:20 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
[Wed Jan 25 02:07:36 2006] : DM: (( ok wait sec Milty))
[Wed Jan 25 02:07:43 2006] : (4) Dori: ((crap))
[Wed Jan 25 02:08:06 2006] : DM: (( d6 Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 02:08:23 2006] : Milton: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 02:09:29 2006] : DM: Milton strkes out and kicks Kahlan in the left leg out of fear but she manages to grab him by the hair as she goes by....
[Wed Jan 25 02:09:39 2006] : DM: (( roll a d6 again Milton))
[Wed Jan 25 02:10:04 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev sits down to watch the show. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:10:17 2006] : Milton: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 25 02:10:54 2006] : DM: The ones left n the raft see bubbles coming to the surface of the swamp water and notice tha tit is getting soupier...
[Wed Jan 25 02:11:24 2006] : (4) Dori: When Dori gets around the otherside of the raft, she will dive down and attempt to assist in the rescue of Milton.
[Wed Jan 25 02:11:26 2006] : (10) Midnight Stalker (exit): 02:11
[Wed Jan 25 02:11:34 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( hmm... soupy tit.... ?? ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:12:00 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( shouldn't use that silicone as implants..... ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:12:04 2006] : DM: (( roflmao))
[Wed Jan 25 02:12:25 2006] : DM: (( KAt honey you don't need implants))
[Wed Jan 25 02:12:36 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( i know ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:12:41 2006] : (9) Sanitie: lmao omg ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:15 2006] : DM: (( Kahlan strength check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:25 2006] : DM: (( Dori strength check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:32 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:32 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:33 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [14] = (14) vs 10
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:37 2006] : (4) Dori: passed
[Wed Jan 25 02:13:39 2006] : (2) Kahlan: ((fail ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:14:25 2006] : DM: Kahlan keeps a grip on Miltons hair and Dori grabs Milton around the middle and starts to pull him up...
[Wed Jan 25 02:14:45 2006] : ** Milton struggles against the grabbing **
[Wed Jan 25 02:15:08 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is seriously considering knocking Milton out to stop his struggling. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:15:11 2006] : Milton: ((if he only knew...))
[Wed Jan 25 02:15:34 2006] : DM: (9 Dori swim check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:15:40 2006] : ** (4) Dori is considering blasting Milton into the next timezone. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:16:02 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [18] = (18) vs 17
[Wed Jan 25 02:16:15 2006] : (1) Horis: ((don't do that I don't have any sp as it is))
[Wed Jan 25 02:17:06 2006] : DM: Dori manages to get the struggling gnome to the surface....
[Wed Jan 25 02:17:22 2006] : DM: Kahlan is soon to follow
[Wed Jan 25 02:17:49 2006] : (4) Dori: "Somebody, please drag him onto the freaking raft.
[Wed Jan 25 02:18:18 2006] : Milton: uhh, oh - it's you!!
[Wed Jan 25 02:18:35 2006] : Milton: Thanks Dori and Kahlan
[Wed Jan 25 02:18:37 2006] : (4) Dori: "Dah, you idiot."
[Wed Jan 25 02:18:43 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev tries to drag him onto the freaking raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:18:50 2006] : (2) Kahlan: that is the last fricking time i try and save your sorry ass you little gnome shit.
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:06 2006] : Milton: I didn't know!
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:08 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( DEX 13 )) [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:09 2006] : DM: ((( you guys are lucky I read tha twrong or you would both be at the bottom.... :) ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:14 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( fail ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:17 2006] : (1) Horis: I told you he was trouble...
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:26 2006] : Milton: I was in the swamp and something grabbed me!!
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:30 2006] : (4) Dori: "Your welcome, Mitlon. Next time remember the monsters are going to either bite you or squeeze you to death, not drag you to the surface."
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:34 2006] : Milton: What would you do?
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:50 2006] : Milton: yeah, I suppose
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:54 2006] : (1) Horis: Grab back!
[Wed Jan 25 02:19:56 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan trys to get herself onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:20:11 2006] : DM: Malkiev barely mangaes t ostay on the ratft as he tres to grab the drenched gnome to the raft....
[Wed Jan 25 02:20:19 2006] : ** (4) Dori tries to push the gnone onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:20:28 2006] : (4) Dori: gnome*
[Wed Jan 25 02:20:57 2006] : (1) Horis: ((i think you were more right before...))
[Wed Jan 25 02:21:27 2006] : DM: (( strength check Dori))
[Wed Jan 25 02:21:31 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 25 02:21:38 2006] : (4) Dori: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:21:50 2006] : DM: (( the Dm wonders if the gnome is gonna try and save himslef at all))
[Wed Jan 25 02:22:09 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( nope he's so used to us comming to his rescue ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:22:17 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( Dori pushes the gnome right over the other side of the raft and back into the water. ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:22:27 2006] : ** (4) Dori checks to make sure everyone else is on the raft then attempts to push the raft off the muck it got suck on. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:22:33 2006] : ** Milton tries to help himself up into the raft **
[Wed Jan 25 02:24:03 2006] : DM: In all of the struggling the raft has dislodged and started to slip back out into " open" water as the last two members pull themselves up carefully onto the raft...
[Wed Jan 25 02:24:24 2006] : ** (4) Dori pulls herself onto the raft. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:24:31 2006] : (4) Dori: "That sucked.'
[Wed Jan 25 02:25:07 2006] : (4) Dori: "Besides Horis and Milton can anyone else not swim."
[Wed Jan 25 02:25:10 2006] : (1) Horis: Well learn from it and don't make that misstake agian...
[Wed Jan 25 02:25:48 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I have no clue how to swim.
[Wed Jan 25 02:25:58 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh great."
[Wed Jan 25 02:26:06 2006] : (4) Dori: "Okay new plan,"
[Wed Jan 25 02:26:07 2006] : (1) Horis: didn't ever need to
[Wed Jan 25 02:27:12 2006] : (4) Dori: "Kahlan can you naviagate. Valdrin and myself with pole this thing. Horis, Milton and Malkiev can sit in the middle so it will be less likely they fall off if we hit something."
[Wed Jan 25 02:27:25 2006] : (4) Dori: will pole *
[Wed Jan 25 02:27:48 2006] : DM: You all notice that you did make a fairly good distance and that the day has started to wax onto midday
[Wed Jan 25 02:27:48 2006] : (2) Kahlan: since I have no idea where we are going I think I'm the perfect choci for navagation
[Wed Jan 25 02:27:56 2006] : Milton: i WAS sitting in the middle
[Wed Jan 25 02:28:11 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I stayed on just fine, thank you.
[Wed Jan 25 02:28:14 2006] : Milton: (( still don't quite know how that happened ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:28:43 2006] : (4) Dori: "We are just looking for the best why across the swamp. You stay in the front and tell us which way to turn to avoid crap like what we just hit."
[Wed Jan 25 02:28:48 2006] : (1) Horis: ((too much grog))
[Wed Jan 25 02:29:07 2006] : (2) Kahlan: ya know I'm getting a little sick of you issuing directions like your all that
[Wed Jan 25 02:29:24 2006] : DM: (( never make fun of another player when the yare trying to help Milton....Bad things happen))
[Wed Jan 25 02:29:29 2006] : DM: (( lol))
[Wed Jan 25 02:29:38 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well then, you issue some direction miss high and mighty."
[Wed Jan 25 02:29:55 2006] : (1) Horis: Lets just head back the way we came and see if we can find a dry way across?
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:15 2006] : (2) Kahlan: Malkiev and valdrin were doing just fine poling......
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:16 2006] : (4) Dori: "We did already look for a dry way."
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:17 2006] : DM: (( cat fight!!!!!!)))
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:28 2006] : Milton: ((CAT FIGHT!!!!))
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:39 2006] : (2) Kahlan: did anyone bother to listen to Malky when he said he thought he knew a way?
[Wed Jan 25 02:30:47 2006] : Milton: ((sorry, you beat me to it))
[Wed Jan 25 02:31:22 2006] : Milton: i did
[Wed Jan 25 02:31:43 2006] : (1) Horis: Sorry all I remember was talk about the raft
[Wed Jan 25 02:31:46 2006] : (9) Sanitie: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 02:31:46 2006] : (9) Sanitie (exit): 02:31
[Wed Jan 25 02:31:48 2006] : (2) Kahlan: nope instead we all get on this raft and try and drown ourselves
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:04 2006] : (4) Dori: "What ever. I have had enough of this. If someone has a better way across then lets do it. The freaking raft wasn't my idea."
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:14 2006] : ** (4) Dori pulls her dagger. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:15 2006] : (1) Horis: I was diding just find under the water....
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:33 2006] : (1) Horis: *doing
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:43 2006] : (4) Dori: (guys can we hold for about 2 mins)
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:50 2006] : (4) Dori: brb
[Wed Jan 25 02:32:57 2006] : DM: (( why?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:33:04 2006] : (1) Horis: I am too tiered for this crap...
[Wed Jan 25 02:33:24 2006] : DM: (( was that ic or ooc))
[Wed Jan 25 02:33:40 2006] : (1) Horis: ((pop run or poop run?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:33:54 2006] : (1) Horis: ((ic))
[Wed Jan 25 02:34:04 2006] : DM: (( maybe a poop pop?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:34:23 2006] : (1) Horis: ((that doesn't sound that good to me))
[Wed Jan 25 02:34:24 2006] : DM: (( or to pop poop?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:34:35 2006] : (1) Horis: ((that just hurts))
[Wed Jan 25 02:34:43 2006] : DM: (( iam so tired...that was funnyy to me))
[Wed Jan 25 02:35:00 2006] : DM: (( so where were we?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:35:13 2006] : DM: (( proceed))
[Wed Jan 25 02:35:31 2006] : (1) Horis: ((back on the raft fighting over which way to go...))
[Wed Jan 25 02:36:15 2006] : (4) Dori: ((bk))
[Wed Jan 25 02:36:47 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan turns to Malky. Do you know a dry way across this swamp?" **
[Wed Jan 25 02:36:52 2006] : (1) Horis: Can anyone still see the campsite?
[Wed Jan 25 02:37:17 2006] : (1) Horis: Or maybe just around it?
[Wed Jan 25 02:37:39 2006] : DM: (( no sign of the camp in the near "landscape"))
[Wed Jan 25 02:37:47 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I explored a bit and found a possibility, but I don't "know" anything about this accursed swamp.
[Wed Jan 25 02:38:26 2006] : (4) Dori: Dori gives Malkiev a dirty look, as if saying why didn't you say something before you idiot.
[Wed Jan 25 02:38:51 2006] : (6) Malkiev: What's that look for?
[Wed Jan 25 02:38:57 2006] : (2) Kahlan: so guys do we turn back and try Malkiev's way or keep going this way and hope we don't get lost in here?
[Wed Jan 25 02:38:57 2006] : (1) Horis: Lets get back to the campsite if posable
[Wed Jan 25 02:40:25 2006] : (4) Dori: ((oh far across are we))
[Wed Jan 25 02:40:34 2006] : (4) Dori: ((how*))
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:24 2006] : (4) Dori: ((is it shorter to try to finish crossing or not))
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:26 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Well, Dori, do you have something to say, or do I need to wipe that glare off your face for you?
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:30 2006] : (2) Kahlan: one for turning back, and I have no clue how far we have come.....
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:43 2006] : (2) Kahlan: Milton what say you?
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:44 2006] : DM: (( now why would I answer that))
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:52 2006] : (4) Dori: "We are about a quarter of the way across, I say we continue."
[Wed Jan 25 02:41:56 2006] : (1) Horis: or how much farther we need to go...
[Wed Jan 25 02:42:34 2006] : (1) Horis: looking at the sky that would put it well passed dark before we get to the other side.
[Wed Jan 25 02:42:38 2006] : (2) Kahlan: who knows? could be forever or an hour
[Wed Jan 25 02:43:09 2006] : Milton: the last time I looked at the map, it said to go through the swamp. I think we should keep going
[Wed Jan 25 02:43:23 2006] : (2) Kahlan: valdrin what is your say here?
[Wed Jan 25 02:43:27 2006] : (4) Dori: "Malkiev don't threaten me. I don't threaten you. So be civil."
[Wed Jan 25 02:43:42 2006] : (1) Horis: Oh crap that damn map is working agian... lets go...
[Wed Jan 25 02:43:57 2006] : Valdrin: i'm indifferent as long as no one gets eaten
[Wed Jan 25 02:44:13 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I was being civil. You're the one tossing around dirty looks as if they're candy.
[Wed Jan 25 02:44:47 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan glances between Malkiev and Dori. "if they start fighting I want solid ground under my feet." **
[Wed Jan 25 02:45:08 2006] : (1) Horis: start poleing and start giving headings, we need to get moving one way or the other now...
[Wed Jan 25 02:45:19 2006] : Milton: no, horis. it's not working now. but it was before we got into the swamp
[Wed Jan 25 02:45:29 2006] : (2) Kahlan: since the map is working.... milton you navigate
[Wed Jan 25 02:45:51 2006] : (4) Dori: "A look isn't hurting or threating anyone." Dori grabs a pole and starts attempting to pole the raft.
[Wed Jan 25 02:46:20 2006] : DM: The raft seems to be driftong in a south by south westerly direction
[Wed Jan 25 02:47:24 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Glaring at me and refusing to answer as to why is the same as a trheat to me.
[Wed Jan 25 02:47:55 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan is thinking her chances swimming might be better if these two start fighting. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:48:31 2006] : DM: The raft picks up speed rather abrubtly
[Wed Jan 25 02:48:59 2006] : (1) Horis: Anyone see where we are headed?
[Wed Jan 25 02:49:13 2006] : (6) Malkiev: I'm simply answering the challenge. *pulls his weapons*
[Wed Jan 25 02:49:23 2006] : (4) Dori: "Well I just wish that everyone had known about what you found, before this started that is all. But Malkiev if you really have a problem with me. Please just kill me. It will be better than being emotional hurt by my new firiends or letting the necromancer have me."
[Wed Jan 25 02:49:51 2006] : Milton: yes, Horis. we're headed straight toward a shallow grave
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:11 2006] : ** (4) Dori moves over to Malkiev and bares her neck. "Come on get it over with. I am sure your god would approve." **
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:15 2006] : (1) Horis: Other then that, the raft heading...
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:17 2006] : DM: (( i don't know about shallow?))
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:32 2006] : (19) Demian (enter): 02:50
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:42 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( seemed pretty deep when I swam down to rescue you ken ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:50:53 2006] : (1) Horis: Stop your whining and look at what is happening!
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:03 2006] : DM: You all feel the current now as if you are in a inner systemwater way o a river flowing through the swamp
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:11 2006] : ** (4) Dori glances at the water while waiting for Malkiev to chop her head off. "Dang we are in a current" **
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:19 2006] : (2) Kahlan: duh
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:22 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Now that's more like it. Thank you for speaking you mind clearly. And if anyone had paid any attention, I did mention what I'd found right afer you all fininshe trying to kill yourselves coming down that slope. It just seems that everyone decided to ignore me.
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:33 2006] : (19) Demian: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:34 2006] : (19) Demian (exit): 02:51
[Wed Jan 25 02:51:49 2006] : (4) Dori: "Malkiev most of us where in shock from injuries."
[Wed Jan 25 02:52:05 2006] : (4) Dori: were*
[Wed Jan 25 02:52:18 2006] : (1) Horis: Sorry I was looking after Miltom agianst my better judgment.
[Wed Jan 25 02:52:36 2006] : (6) Malkiev: The only one even hurt bad enough to be in shock was Milton.
[Wed Jan 25 02:52:56 2006] : Milton: thank you
[Wed Jan 25 02:53:18 2006] : ** (1) Horis looking ahead on our path **
[Wed Jan 25 02:53:29 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm maybe we should try to push through this. And Malkiev, my fire was almost out, from attempting to stop a log from crushing Milton."
[Wed Jan 25 02:54:15 2006] : ** (4) Dori goes back and attempts to guide the raft though the current to the other side. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:54:21 2006] : (1) Horis: yeah well i worked on that also, so look up and see where we are going.
[Wed Jan 25 02:54:31 2006] : DM: You can actually see the cuerrent now as you are pulled deepr int othe flow of the river and the current is picking up debris....
[Wed Jan 25 02:54:54 2006] : (4) Dori: "Could use some help,"
[Wed Jan 25 02:54:55 2006] : (1) Horis: This is moving a bit faster then i would like...
[Wed Jan 25 02:55:30 2006] : ** (4) Dori attempts to slow the raft a little using the poles. **
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:04 2006] : DM: the pole Dori is holiding hit the bottom and snaps in her hand
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:17 2006] : (2) Kahlan: oh that's great
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:20 2006] : ** (1) Horis grabs Dori's legs hope she won't go overboard **
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:25 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmmm that was not good."
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:54 2006] : DM: (( everyone rolla percetion check))
[Wed Jan 25 02:56:55 2006] : (1) Horis: Kahlan you got any tricks that could help us here?
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:00 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:01 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:08 2006] : (4) Dori: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:09 2006] : (1) Horis: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:16 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Valdrin))
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:16 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [9] = (9) vs 17
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:17 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( percep 14 )) [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:18 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:20 2006] : (2) Kahlan: ((pass ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:32 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:44 2006] : Valdrin: pass
[Wed Jan 25 02:57:52 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( pass ))
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:04 2006] : (1) Horis: ((thats rare we all passed something, now we die))
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:07 2006] : Milton: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:18 2006] : DM: As you move along you would estimate that you are moving between 7 and 10 wheels per hour....
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:20 2006] : Milton: ((shut up, Joe))
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:38 2006] : (4) Dori: ((how fast is a wheel))
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:50 2006] : DM: That is a ripping speed for a raft on a river....
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:54 2006] : (2) Kahlan: nope
[Wed Jan 25 02:58:59 2006] : DM: ((mile))
[Wed Jan 25 02:59:29 2006] : (1) Horis: Well I hope this don't end in a big fall.
[Wed Jan 25 02:59:37 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmmm guys I didn't think rivers in swamps moved like this."
[Wed Jan 25 02:59:50 2006] : (4) Dori: "This is becoming a rapid."
[Wed Jan 25 02:59:51 2006] : Milton: or a vortex
[Wed Jan 25 03:00:05 2006] : (1) Horis: Wouldn't know have been on many swamp rivers before.
[Wed Jan 25 03:00:49 2006] : (1) Horis: Malkiev how far across would you say the river is?
[Wed Jan 25 03:01:02 2006] : DM: You come in a break in the canopy of the forest and you see the cause of the rapidly moving river....
[Wed Jan 25 03:01:06 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm well does anyone have any idea on how to slow down. Maybe one of our bowman could shoot a line toward the edge of the river and we could pull ourselves to safetly."
[Wed Jan 25 03:01:51 2006] : (1) Horis: That would take a long piece of rope, and we used those on the raft.
[Wed Jan 25 03:02:04 2006] : (4) Dori: Dori thinks to herself, {oh please don't let it be a waterfall}
[Wed Jan 25 03:02:33 2006] : Milton: ((DAMMIT! stop giving the DM ideas
[Wed Jan 25 03:02:47 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm, well maybe ah.. maybe... oh shit I am out of ideas."
[Wed Jan 25 03:02:49 2006] : Milton: ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:03:23 2006] : DM: There are storm cells the likes of which none of you have ever seen before over head and the rain pouring down from them is more like a river itself then a rain storm....
[Wed Jan 25 03:03:40 2006] : (1) Horis: Kahlan I remember that web that you trough a white back can you do that agian?
[Wed Jan 25 03:03:41 2006] : Milton: (( nice ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:04:05 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh that doesn't look good."
[Wed Jan 25 03:04:29 2006] : (4) Dori: "Hmm even more out of ideas.
[Wed Jan 25 03:04:49 2006] : Milton: duck and cover?
[Wed Jan 25 03:04:59 2006] : (4) Dori: ((are there any low hanging branches that we could use to stop ourselves.))
[Wed Jan 25 03:05:58 2006] : DM: There are no low hanging branches in this particular area and you see some trees from the swamps edge being uprooted
[Wed Jan 25 03:06:41 2006] : DM: But up ahead about 200yrds or so you see where you may be in trouble
[Wed Jan 25 03:06:43 2006] : (2) Kahlan: I might get a lucky shot off about 200 yrds from here up there where the banks kinda bottleneck, but that's the only spot
[Wed Jan 25 03:06:52 2006] : (4) Dori: "How in the hell did we miss this storm approaching."
[Wed Jan 25 03:07:11 2006] : (4) Dori: "Kahlan to what are you planing."
[Wed Jan 25 03:07:22 2006] : (1) Horis: The swamp didn't let us hav3e a good look at the sky.
[Wed Jan 25 03:07:36 2006] : (4) Dori: ((Dand typo delete the "to"))
[Wed Jan 25 03:07:53 2006] : (2) Kahlan: something that'll probably fail since the trees on the banks are being uprooted with this flash flood
[Wed Jan 25 03:08:23 2006] : DM: (( who added the water
[Wed Jan 25 03:08:28 2006] : DM: ((lol))
[Wed Jan 25 03:08:39 2006] : (1) Horis: Well we know that staying on the "river" is not a good idea.
[Wed Jan 25 03:09:07 2006] : DM: Kahlan sense tha the rods are growing the longer she waits....
[Wed Jan 25 03:09:09 2006] : (2) Kahlan: of course I can't cast the spell until we are 35 yards from that area
[Wed Jan 25 03:09:30 2006] : (4) Dori: "What spell you planning?"
[Wed Jan 25 03:09:36 2006] : (1) Horis: This is going to hurt a bit isn't it?
[Wed Jan 25 03:09:46 2006] : (2) Kahlan: sush, let me concentrate now... and probably
[Wed Jan 25 03:10:04 2006] : (4) Dori: "I could probably help blast something if that is helpful."
[Wed Jan 25 03:10:10 2006] : (1) Horis: Dori do you remember the web that she cast before?
[Wed Jan 25 03:10:38 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh that gooey stuff that she summoned when we first met."
[Wed Jan 25 03:10:45 2006] : (1) Horis: Blast most likely won't help right now.
[Wed Jan 25 03:11:03 2006] : (1) Horis: yeah that stuff... well you see...
[Wed Jan 25 03:11:19 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan starts mumbling slowly so as to finsih the spell at the 35 yard mark **
[Wed Jan 25 03:11:22 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev prays. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:11:24 2006] : (1) Horis: we need to stop soon and well that will stop us all.
[Wed Jan 25 03:11:32 2006] : ** (1) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 25 03:12:44 2006] : (4) Dori: "Oh crap. Oh freaking crap." Dori mutters as she braces for impact.
[Wed Jan 25 03:12:46 2006] : DM: (( how wide can it go Kat?))
[Wed Jan 25 03:13:11 2006] : ** (4) Dori looks behind them to see what is following them down the river. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:13:34 2006] : (4) Dori: (hold a sec I need to look something up)
[Wed Jan 25 03:13:45 2006] : (4) Dori: (it may be important to what kahlan is doing)
[Wed Jan 25 03:13:49 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( only 20ft wide, 40 ft high, and 10 ft thick.... so there had better be overhanging branches or it will collapse in on itself ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:14:38 2006] : (1) Horis: ((8 10x10 cubes so it can be 80x10x10))
[Wed Jan 25 03:15:22 2006] : DM: you start to hear the crash of trees as you see Kahlan deep in concetrationand see several trees as big around as small huts "swimming " towards you....
[Wed Jan 25 03:17:00 2006] : Milton: that doesn't sound good
[Wed Jan 25 03:17:54 2006] : (4) Dori: (well unfortunetely i can't help Kahlan for two more levels.)
[Wed Jan 25 03:18:38 2006] : (1) Horis: ((i can help unless we life to rest for 8 hrs.))
[Wed Jan 25 03:18:40 2006] : DM: (( cliff hanger time...LOL))
[Wed Jan 25 03:18:58 2006] : (1) Horis: ((fu toad... ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:19:21 2006] : DM: ((d20 time Kat))
[Wed Jan 25 03:19:37 2006] : (2) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Jan 25 03:20:04 2006] : Milton: (( not that I want to quit, but some time soon I gotta get this plastic outta my eyes ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:20:38 2006] : (1) Horis: ((get better plastic))
[Wed Jan 25 03:20:39 2006] : ** (4) Dori prepared to blast and of the trees that seem like they might hit us. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:21:10 2006] : (1) Horis: Dori don't you even think about that..
[Wed Jan 25 03:21:18 2006] : DM: About 35yrds from the narrowing gap in the river channel the spell goes off with out a hitch and a mass of webs appears along the branches of the over hanging trees in the channel....
[Wed Jan 25 03:21:55 2006] : DM: (( intrcut them Kahlan...))
[Wed Jan 25 03:22:06 2006] : DM: (( instruct even))
[Wed Jan 25 03:22:36 2006] : (1) Horis: I to the web I think?
[Wed Jan 25 03:23:34 2006] : Milton: ((as the web pulls the trees down around us, the web becomes a net around us))
[Wed Jan 25 03:23:55 2006] : (1) Horis: ((sure but it adds padding))
[Wed Jan 25 03:24:12 2006] : Milton: (( sorry, went against my own advise ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:24:27 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( ok anyone comming in contact with web are stuck, 13 or less strength are stuck until freed, 13-17 strength break through at 1 ft/rd, 18 or greater don't even notice web ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:24:57 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( i mean break through 10ft/rd ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:25:01 2006] : (1) Horis: ((add how many rounds will it last?
[Wed Jan 25 03:25:14 2006] : DM: you can choose to ignore the chance to miss the web and automatically be affected
[Wed Jan 25 03:25:27 2006] : (2) Kahlan: this is very flammable so no fire spells of any kind pple
[Wed Jan 25 03:25:34 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( lasts 14 turns
[Wed Jan 25 03:25:44 2006] : (1) Horis: goooooooy
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:00 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev gets webbed. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:07 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( if you want to miss the web it's save vs spell at neg 2 ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:11 2006] : ** (1) Horis Horis gets webbed **
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:25 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( if you succeed web is at 1/2 strength for you ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:43 2006] : DM: (( if you miss the web you have one chance to grab the branches))
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:46 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:26:53 2006] : ** (2) Kahlan gets webbed. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:17 2006] : ** (4) Dori attempts to grab a branch. Since the web is so flamable. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:20 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:34 2006] : (4) Dori: ((dori made save))
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:34 2006] : ** (1) Horis start to move toward a tree that Malkiev looks to be going to. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:40 2006] : Milton: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Jan 25 03:27:58 2006] : Milton: ((milton made save))
[Wed Jan 25 03:28:15 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Jan 25 03:28:44 2006] : DM: (( what was the strength rating Kat))
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:00 2006] : ** (6) Malkiev doesn't try to save. He wants to get stuck in the web since he thought that was the whole point of the exercise. **
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:14 2006] : Valdrin: i stay free as well
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:30 2006] : Milton: (( i thought the whole point was to get the RAFT stuck))
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:44 2006] : DM: DM ruling is tha tif you choose to be stuck you can be automatically))
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:45 2006] : ** (1) Horis like the web, it was kinda his idea **
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:49 2006] : ** Milton tries to grab a branch **
[Wed Jan 25 03:29:55 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( <13 stuck until freed, 13-17 break at 1ft/rd, 18 or greater break through 10ft per rd... save gets double breakthrough speed ))>
[Wed Jan 25 03:30:04 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( <13 stuck until freed, 13-17 break at 1ft/rd, 18 or greater break through 10ft per rd... save gets double breakthrough speed ))>
[Wed Jan 25 03:30:18 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( less than 13 stuck until freed, 13-17 break at 1ft/rd, 18 or greater break through 10ft per rd... save gets double breakthrough speed ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:30:35 2006] : (4) Dori: ((Dori thinks web a great idea, but dori doesn't want to burn it down on you guys.))
[Wed Jan 25 03:30:46 2006] : (1) Horis: ((horis))
[Wed Jan 25 03:31:11 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( and since 3 pple have successfully broken several strands of the web, not such a hot idea now. ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:31:28 2006] : Milton: (( so, the web is NOT going to stop the raft???))
[Wed Jan 25 03:31:34 2006] : (1) Horis: ((swing batter bater batter swing))
[Wed Jan 25 03:31:49 2006] : DM: ((THIS IS A LAST CHANCE ON REDO ON THE AUTO STUCK))
[Wed Jan 25 03:32:05 2006] : (4) Dori: ((Dori wants to avoid getting herself in the web using the raft as a shield. She will hang on the raft which is stuck. If that is possible.))
[Wed Jan 25 03:32:51 2006] : Milton: (( iguess milton will stick himself to the web))
[Wed Jan 25 03:33:21 2006] : Valdrin: i stay toward the back of the raft and wait for it to stick... if it doesn't then i will head for the web
[Wed Jan 25 03:33:25 2006] : DM: (( Dori rol a save))
[Wed Jan 25 03:33:36 2006] : (4) Dori: i did and got an 18
[Wed Jan 25 03:33:43 2006] : DM: ((ok))
[Wed Jan 25 03:35:00 2006] : DM: ANy and all takers on the auto stuck are scooped as the raft goes under the webbing and those standing are snatched up into th trees as the back of the raft rapidly passes beyond the point of no return
[Wed Jan 25 03:35:49 2006] : DM: ( VALDRIN DORI ?))
[Wed Jan 25 03:36:12 2006] : Valdrin: ASI SAID i stay toward the back of the raft and wait for it to stick... if it doesn't then i will head for the web
[Wed Jan 25 03:37:00 2006] : DM: VAldrin finds himself stuck to the bottom strands of the web and just above the passing debris
[Wed Jan 25 03:37:19 2006] : DM: (Dori roll strength and dex))
[Wed Jan 25 03:37:25 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
[Wed Jan 25 03:37:26 2006] : (4) Dori: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
[Wed Jan 25 03:38:31 2006] : DM: Dori is the last offof the raft as she almost gets knocked into the water as it goes under the web and slams into the closest trees in front of it and shatters
[Wed Jan 25 03:38:46 2006] : (6) Malkiev: (( And we all hang around waiting for Lloth to come snatch us up... ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:39:05 2006] : DM: Valdrin feels the wind of the passing trees as they go just beneath his feet
[Wed Jan 25 03:39:23 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( lol todd wouldn't let me have the mirinish version.... me being a human and all ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:40:51 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( now we just have to hope the current slows down before the spell wears off lol ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:40:52 2006] : DM: As you look about and try and gather your wits you see that there is the pinacle of a castle off to the left side of the river...
[Wed Jan 25 03:41:36 2006] : DM: Maybe you have reached your destination?
[Wed Jan 25 03:41:50 2006] : (2) Kahlan: (( your not that nice toad ))
[Wed Jan 25 03:41:51 2006] : DM: Nice rp tonite folks
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:02 2006] : ** Milton tries to get to a tree branch **
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:05 2006] : DM: See you in two weeks for game
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:11 2006] : (4) Dori: "You guys okay."
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:15 2006] : DM: all of you locals see you at watts next week
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:23 2006] : (2) Kahlan: yep
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:32 2006] : DM: save it Joe
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:33 2006] : Milton: yeah. OK.
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:34 2006] : (1) enwewn: yeah see you then
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:54 2006] : (5) Ken: I guess it's over, huh?
[Wed Jan 25 03:42:54 2006] : DM: week of next week Deb
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:08 2006] : DM: Not over Ken just cliff hanger
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:08 2006] : (4) Dori: huh?
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:11 2006] : (5) Ken: he means off
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:28 2006] : DM: Nite all
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:32 2006] : (3) Mike: later
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:35 2006] : (5) Ken: yeah
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:36 2006] : (1) enwewn: night
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:39 2006] : (2) Kahlan: nit toad
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:42 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Night DM
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:49 2006] : (5) Ken: see you in two weeks, Deb
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:52 2006] : (4) Dori: night
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:58 2006] : DM: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 03:43:59 2006] : (7) Todd (exit): 03:43
[Wed Jan 25 03:44:04 2006] : (4) Dori: okay no game next week then
[Wed Jan 25 03:44:16 2006] : (1) enwewn: that the plan as of right now
[Wed Jan 25 03:44:36 2006] : (4) Dori: okay if that changes somebody email me as soon as possible.
[Wed Jan 25 03:44:50 2006] : (4) Dori: otherwise I will make other plans for the night.
[Wed Jan 25 03:45:27 2006] : (1) enwewn: ok we will leave you know if it does change
[Wed Jan 25 03:45:34 2006] : (5) Ken: we usually take a night off about avery four weeks
[Wed Jan 25 03:45:53 2006] : (2) Kahlan: yeah this is kind of a long stretch for us here......
[Wed Jan 25 03:45:53 2006] : (5) Ken: every, even
[Wed Jan 25 03:45:55 2006] : (4) Dori: no problem just let me know. For I can make other plans
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:00 2006] : (1) enwewn: so yeah it happen between 2 and 8 weeks
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:09 2006] : (4) Dori: k
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:10 2006] : (1) enwewn: apart
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:16 2006] : (1) enwewn: night Deb
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:18 2006] : (5) Ken: go 'head. make other plans
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:28 2006] : (2) Kahlan: i'm out too guys
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:33 2006] : (4) Dori: okay later
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:36 2006] : (2) Kahlan: see ya in a couple of weeks deb
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:42 2006] : (5) Ken: bye, Kat
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:44 2006] : (2) Kahlan: see the rest of you next week at watts
[Wed Jan 25 03:46:53 2006] : (1) enwewn: if not sooner
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:01 2006] : (5) Ken: uyp
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:02 2006] : (2) Kahlan: there is that
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:06 2006] : (5) Ken: yup, even
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:15 2006] : (6) Malkiev: later everyone.
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:18 2006] : (4) Dori: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:20 2006] : (4) Dori (exit): 03:47
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:28 2006] : (5) Ken: bye, nick
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:30 2006] : (2) Kahlan: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 03:47:32 2006] : (2) Kahlan (exit): 03:47
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:02 2006] : (5) Ken: see you tomorrow, Joe
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:13 2006] : (1) enwewn: at work yeaper
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:16 2006] : (6) Malkiev: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:17 2006] : (6) Malkiev (exit): 03:48
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:29 2006] : (5) Ken: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 25 03:48:31 2006] : (5) Ken (exit): 03:48