Welcome to Rictus
A few rules for this room...
For those who are just joining us, please whisper to the Gms or Players.
(Please limit what you say to the DM as he has enough to do.)
You are more then welcome to lurk, if it looks interesting to you,
stick around until the end as we will open up the room to comments then.
If you are a player...
1. Have fun…
2. Do not move minis that do not belong to you...
3. Do not draw on the screen unless you are casting a spell or need to show a radius for some game related reason…
4. If ((ooc)) does not surround a statement it will be assumed that you are speaking in character…
If you say it in character it could have serious consequences…
5. Do not whisper to the DM unless it is game related…
6. If you whisper to another character what your intentions are but do not relay that to the DM it does not “count”…
7. Spell casters you must announce what your spell is at the beginning of the round or you will forfeit your spell…
All others you must declare your action ,ie. sword, axe, run like a scared little bitch, before you roll initiative.
8. Initiative will be called for as ((initiative)) Joe (Horis,enwewn) will execute the start of the rolls by typing the name of each player in order.
On your turn state your intentions and roll with modifier.
You will be responsible for keeping track of your own number. The DM will call for each successive number by sending ((next)).
9. Each player will have one minute to execute their action when their turn comes around in the round.
If a player misses their turn in a round they will wait until the last turn in the round to execute their action regardless of the consequences…
Actions go as follows:
Declare action in full, roll to hit, announce ((hit)) or ((miss)), roll damage.
10. Spell casters… If you are hit in a round before you cast ,you loose your spell and the points associated with it…
11. If you have technical questions about the game whisper to Joe or Nick…(Preferably Nick as Joe is doing other things already.)
If Nick or Joe have a question they will see the DM about the issue…
12. Figure your modifiers out and add them into your die roller before you roll…
13. If you disagree with a ruling by the DM you may appeal. You will loose but you may appeal. Just kidding.
State your case in the open forum and I will review the case before game play continues.
Keep appeals down by appealing life and death issues not mundane things like:
“I missed that by 1 and I forgot my modifier” two actions later…
14. If the DM calls for a proficiency check [to appear as ((prof:check)) ] the DM may roll it or you may roll it depending on the situation.
DM will state which after the check call.
15. The DM may not roll all rolls on the server.
This is essential for game play because the DM may need to fudge rolls from time to time so as to save a characters proverbial butt…
16. The players will roll all rolls in the server unless otherwise directed …
17. The DM is always right…
18. If the DM is wrong see above…
19. The DM does not kill characters stupid players kill characters…
20. Do not blame the DM he only does what the dice tell him to do…
Now if you read all that, good for you.
If not read it please, as it will help the game play. hopefully
Todd: DM; DM and anything else...
Horis: Dwarf; War Priest of Afmin, aka enwewn, the man with the server
Kahlan: Human; Mage, aka KittyKat
Miltonberry: Gnome; Fighter, aka Ken
Malkiev: Human; Paladin, aka Archaviel
Valdrin: Myrinish (Drow); Theif, aka Mike
Telinous: Salnish (Wood Elf); Rogue, aka Nug
Dori Valorian: Human; Spell Fire user, aka Deb
[Wed Jan 18 00:54:39 2006] : DM: When we last parted company our group of intrepid explorers were imbroiled in a desperate fight for their lives. The gnome lay alomost dead from the wayward magic of the priest and the Bard was about to fall to her knees in exhaustion. And the adversary that was pursuing the party was still menacing her...
[Wed Jan 18 00:55:50 2006] : DM: (( initiative))
[Wed Jan 18 00:55:56 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Jan 18 00:56:19 2006] : (11) Kahlan: ball lightning [1d10+3] -> [8,3] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 00:56:25 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Malkiev))
[Wed Jan 18 00:56:31 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Attacking )) [1d10+4] -> [7,4] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 00:56:38 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Jan 18 00:56:58 2006] : Milton: (( what??))
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:09 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Dori))
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:13 2006] : (3) Dori: spellfire [1d10+3] -> [6,3] = (9)
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:15 2006] : DM: (( Mike smack him would you?))
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:18 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:41 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW [1d10+5] -> [7,5] = (12)
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:45 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 00:57:51 2006] : Milton: (( what the HELL am I going to roll init for ??))
[Wed Jan 18 00:58:08 2006] : DM: ((so we know when you die))
[Wed Jan 18 00:58:15 2006] : DM: ((lol))
[Wed Jan 18 00:58:21 2006] : Milton: (( not quite concious enough to swing a flail))
[Wed Jan 18 00:58:55 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Jan 18 00:58:58 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Valdrin ? ))
[Wed Jan 18 00:59:00 2006] : Valdrin: ((Attack Bow)) [1d10+7] -> [8,7] = (15)
[Wed Jan 18 00:59:22 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Dori 9 ))
[Wed Jan 18 00:59:24 2006] : (2) Horis: ((sorry my bad))
[Wed Jan 18 00:59:54 2006] : (3) Dori: my go?
[Wed Jan 18 01:00:10 2006] : DM: ((simul))
[Wed Jan 18 01:00:25 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:00:33 2006] : (3) Dori: "If I have to expend my entire life force to kill you I will you freaking snake."
[Wed Jan 18 01:00:51 2006] : (3) Dori: Attack Spellfire single bolt - AC hit is: [16-1d20] -> [16,-17] = (-1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:01:13 2006] : (3) Dori: [17d6] -> [6,1,4,2,2,5,2,6,3,1,4,3,2,5,4,4,1] = (55)
[Wed Jan 18 01:01:18 2006] : (3) Dori: save for half
[Wed Jan 18 01:02:05 2006] : DM: Snakesssssssssss.........Issss willsssss dinessss onsssssss yoursssss carcassssssssssss youssss snivelingsssssssssss foolssssssssssssssssss
[Wed Jan 18 01:04:30 2006] : DM: The beast rips into the bard with its fangs as the tail sflashes forward and takes aim at the paladin....
[Wed Jan 18 01:05:13 2006] : ** (3) Dori screams in agony. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:05:43 2006] : DM: ((dori :3hp))
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:10 2006] : DM: ((Malkiev:2 hp roll a save verse poison))
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:17 2006] : (3) Dori: (do I need a save)
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:26 2006] : DM: ((no dori))
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:31 2006] : (5) Mike: hit for or down to... i can't tell with this groups luck
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:39 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Target 8 )) [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:06:57 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Fail ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:07:04 2006] : DM: ((hit for Mike sorry))
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:01 2006] : DM: Mlakiev and Dori fall side by side unconcious but do not appear to be convulsing....
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:06 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:09 2006] : ** DM found the F9 macro key **
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:11 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:22 2006] : ** Valdrin found the F9 macro key **
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:26 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Kahlan & Malkiev 11 ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:47 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev lays on the ground, unconcious. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:55 2006] : Valdrin: ((
[Wed Jan 18 01:08:56 2006] : DM: ((Malkiev you are out for 2 rnds))
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:13 2006] : DM: ((Dori you are out for 5rnds))
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:20 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:43 2006] : (11) Kahlan: *a ball of light 3 ft in diameter forms on the snake*
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:47 2006] : (11) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:51 2006] : (11) Kahlan: no crit
[Wed Jan 18 01:09:53 2006] : ** Milton 'seye twitches slightly **
[Wed Jan 18 01:10:07 2006] : (3) Dori: (well I was already convulsing)
[Wed Jan 18 01:10:18 2006] : (11) Kahlan: [4d12] -> [12,4,4,8] = (28) save for 1/2 dmg
[Wed Jan 18 01:10:46 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Jan 18 01:10:56 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:10:57 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Horis 12 ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:01 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:04 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:08 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:17 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Milton CLW
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:26 2006] : DM: ((clw on who?))
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:33 2006] : DM: ((ok sorry))
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:37 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Jan 18 01:11:55 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Valdrin 15, Fin ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:12:07 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:12:08 2006] : (13) Saron (enter): 01:12
[Wed Jan 18 01:12:15 2006] : Valdrin: [Bad dice format] - [d20-16]
[Wed Jan 18 01:12:30 2006] : Valdrin: [16-1d20] -> [16,-8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 01:12:41 2006] : Valdrin: miss
[Wed Jan 18 01:13:07 2006] : Valdrin: [16-1d20] -> [16,-4] = (12)
[Wed Jan 18 01:13:10 2006] : Valdrin: miss
[Wed Jan 18 01:13:11 2006] : DM: ((that misses an ac of 6))
[Wed Jan 18 01:13:50 2006] : DM: (( initiative))
[Wed Jan 18 01:13:57 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:13 2006] : (13) Saron (exit): 01:14
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:30 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:35 2006] : (11) Kahlan: [1d10+3] -> [6,3] = (9)
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:41 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Valdrin))
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:44 2006] : Valdrin: [Bad dice format] - [d10+7]
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:47 2006] : (11) Kahlan: lightning bolt
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:51 2006] : Valdrin: [Bad dice format] - [d10+7]
[Wed Jan 18 01:14:59 2006] : Valdrin: [1d10+7] -> [5,7] = (12)
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:08 2006] : (2) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:08 2006] : DM: (( you should discipline your dice better Mike))
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:10 2006] : (14) Saron (enter): 01:15
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:15 2006] : (14) Saron: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:15 2006] : (14) Saron (exit): 01:15
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:22 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:15:49 2006] : (2) Horis: Lighting lance [1d10+7] -> [7,7] = (14)
[Wed Jan 18 01:16:04 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Kahlan 9 ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:16:19 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori lays on the ground shivering in her unconcious state.
[Wed Jan 18 01:17:07 2006] : (11) Kahlan: cast lightning bolt [7d6] -> [1,2,3,2,2,6,6] = (22) save for 1/2 dmg
[Wed Jan 18 01:17:22 2006] : DM: ((wait))
[Wed Jan 18 01:17:30 2006] : DM: ((nvm))
[Wed Jan 18 01:17:38 2006] : DM: ((simul))
[Wed Jan 18 01:18:44 2006] : DM: Five bolts of energy rush forth fro mthe mouth of the beast and go staright at the mage....
[Wed Jan 18 01:19:14 2006] : (2) Horis: ((I wish dori could be awake to get those))
[Wed Jan 18 01:19:32 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( ** Stabs the typofaerie through the eye** ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:19:59 2006] : (3) Dori: (So does Dori.)
[Wed Jan 18 01:20:24 2006] : (3) Dori: (Fire almost out. See death on the horizon)
[Wed Jan 18 01:20:45 2006] : DM: ((thanx Malkiev for the help))
[Wed Jan 18 01:21:05 2006] : DM: ((kahlan:19 points of damage))
[Wed Jan 18 01:21:18 2006] : (3) Dori: (ouch)
[Wed Jan 18 01:21:26 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Jan 18 01:21:32 2006] : (3) Dori: (glad that wasn't me)
[Wed Jan 18 01:21:33 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( System shock ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:00 2006] : (11) Kahlan: system shock roll target 90% [1d100] -> [69] = (69)
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:02 2006] : (2) Horis: ((now you're being to helpful malkiev))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:17 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( i brought it up to him ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:21 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Valdrin 12 ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:37 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( failed))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:49 2006] : DM: (( no system shock only goes int oeffect at raise dead and when a characters hp total is 50 or more and the ytake half or more in one blow))
[Wed Jan 18 01:22:52 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( nvm ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:12 2006] : Valdrin: (( bow attack)) [1d20-12] -> [3,-12] = (-9)
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:20 2006] : Valdrin: miss
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:21 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( thought you had it at lvl 4 ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:38 2006] : DM: ((tries futily towipe typoris from his shoulder))
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:44 2006] : Valdrin: (( bow attack )) [1d20-12] -> [20,-12] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 01:23:56 2006] : Valdrin: hit crit
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:11 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( once you name the fairy it's yours forever Todd ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:12 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:16 2006] : DM: ((roll a d6))
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:20 2006] : Valdrin: [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:37 2006] : DM: ((4x normal))
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:43 2006] : DM: ((reroll))
[Wed Jan 18 01:24:53 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 01:25:06 2006] : (2) Horis: ((x4 rolls))
[Wed Jan 18 01:25:13 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 18 01:25:14 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Jan 18 01:25:14 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:25:40 2006] : (5) Mike: I wanted the 8x4
[Wed Jan 18 01:26:12 2006] : (2) Horis: ((I know but most of the time you have it that way it is 4x1))
[Wed Jan 18 01:26:50 2006] : DM: The serpetine beast falls with one well pkaced shot form the Murinish archer and lands to the left of the mage with an earth shaking thud....
[Wed Jan 18 01:26:58 2006] : DM: ((Kahlan roll a dex check))
[Wed Jan 18 01:27:12 2006] : (11) Kahlan: target 15 [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 01:27:14 2006] : (11) Kahlan: fail
[Wed Jan 18 01:27:17 2006] : (2) Horis: ((that figers dam rouges stealing everything))
[Wed Jan 18 01:27:30 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev bounces about an inch off the ground when the worm hits the ground. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:27:58 2006] : DM: (( Kahlan is pinned beneath the beast and is now unconcious))
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:08 2006] : DM: ((Malkiev awakes))
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:27 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev begins slowly coming to. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:29 2006] : ** (2) Horis moves of to Dori **
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:41 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev looks around groggily **
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:43 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:49 2006] : ** Milton remains unconcious **
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:50 2006] : (7) Malkiev: What happened?
[Wed Jan 18 01:28:54 2006] : DM: ((590 xp each))
[Wed Jan 18 01:29:15 2006] : (2) Horis: CSW Dori
[Wed Jan 18 01:29:26 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 01:29:50 2006] : (2) Horis: [2d8+1] -> [3,5,1] = (9)
[Wed Jan 18 01:30:08 2006] : Valdrin: We damn near got destroyed, thats what happened
[Wed Jan 18 01:30:25 2006] : (2) Horis: see if you can get the mage out...
[Wed Jan 18 01:30:26 2006] : Valdrin: If you would have bought tack for the damn ass this never would have happened
[Wed Jan 18 01:30:52 2006] : ** (2) Horis moves over to Milton **
[Wed Jan 18 01:30:58 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:31:04 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Milton
[Wed Jan 18 01:31:12 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 18 01:31:15 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 01:31:19 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev slowly rises to his knees. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:32:01 2006] : (2) Horis: ((restroomfor a short))
[Wed Jan 18 01:32:12 2006] : DM: ((Dori is still unconcious for a few minutes...Kahlan stays un concious until she is healed))
[Wed Jan 18 01:32:47 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( ya think? ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:33:34 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev places his hands upon his own chest and concentrates. His wounds begin to colose. (( LOH 12 points )) **
[Wed Jan 18 01:33:48 2006] : ** (3) Dori eventually wakes up shivering severely. "What happened.?" **
[Wed Jan 18 01:33:59 2006] : ** Milton dreams of a happy little place filled with lots of huge gems and other pretty rocks and rivers of gagondy **
[Wed Jan 18 01:34:29 2006] : DM: ((wtf is gagondy))
[Wed Jan 18 01:34:55 2006] : Milton: (( read your gmone handbook - it's gnomish ale))
[Wed Jan 18 01:35:15 2006] : Milton: ((gnome, even))
[Wed Jan 18 01:35:17 2006] : (3) Dori: "Dang I am freezing."
[Wed Jan 18 01:35:36 2006] : ** (3) Dori stumbles to her feet. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:35:57 2006] : ** (3) Dori limps over to the huge snake thing and kicks it. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:38:49 2006] : Milton: (( and just like anything gnomish, it has its quirks))
[Wed Jan 18 01:38:56 2006] : DM: milton finds deep pools of gagondy and many naked gnomes
[Wed Jan 18 01:39:01 2006] : ** (3) Dori limps over to a tree and starts to climb **
[Wed Jan 18 01:39:30 2006] : Milton: (( female gnomes? with big noses? ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:40:12 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [76] = (76)
[Wed Jan 18 01:40:27 2006] : (3) Dori: (glad I have no armor)
[Wed Jan 18 01:41:04 2006] : DM: (( how far are you goin?))
[Wed Jan 18 01:41:58 2006] : DM: (( roll 5 checks))
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:09 2006] : (3) Dori: Move Silently : 85% (95% no armor) [1d100] -> [61] = (61)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:14 2006] : (3) Dori: opps
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:20 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [74] = (74)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:28 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [86] = (86)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:30 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [43] = (43)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:30 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [74] = (74)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:33 2006] : (3) Dori: Climb Walls : 75% (no armor/climbing daggers 95%) [1d100] -> [26] = (26)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:39 2006] : (3) Dori: (made them)
[Wed Jan 18 01:42:55 2006] : ** (2) Horis moves to Kahlan **
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:01 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:11 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:14 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:16 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:23 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:23 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:24 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:25 2006] : ** Valdrin follows up the tree **
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:32 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:33 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:34 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 01:43:54 2006] : Valdrin: Climb Walls % ?: [1d100.vs(70)] -> [21] = (0)
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:01 2006] : DM: ((VAl roll your checks))
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:01 2006] : Valdrin: or not
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:16 2006] : Valdrin: Climb Walls % ?: [1d100.vs(70)] -> [86] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:20 2006] : Valdrin: Climb Walls % ?: [1d100.vs(70)] -> [52] = (0)
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:25 2006] : Valdrin: Climb Walls % ?: [1d100.vs(70)] -> [80] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:28 2006] : Valdrin: Climb Walls % ?: [1d100.vs(70)] -> [38] = (0)
[Wed Jan 18 01:44:50 2006] : (11) Kahlan: Would someone please get this thing off me?
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:22 2006] : DM: Valadrin makes it up half way before he can't go anymore
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:29 2006] : ** (2) Horis turns back to milton **
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:33 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:39 2006] : (2) Horis: clw Milton
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:42 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
[Wed Jan 18 01:45:44 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:16 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:17 2006] : (3) Dori: "I'll be right back. Just give me a minute will yeah"
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:21 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev stands up and attempts to lif the worm off of Kahlan. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:32 2006] : (2) Horis: clw Milton
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:34 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:36 2006] : DM: ((strength check))
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:36 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 01:46:56 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( Target 18 )) [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 18 01:47:44 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev lifts the section of the worm trapping Kahlan. "Hurry, this thing's heavy." **
[Wed Jan 18 01:47:51 2006] : Milton: uunhhh.. what happened?
[Wed Jan 18 01:48:11 2006] : (2) Horis: you got in the way
[Wed Jan 18 01:48:19 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan crawls out from under the thing. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:48:32 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev drops the worm. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:49:11 2006] : (11) Kahlan: thanks
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:24 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:28 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:30 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:32 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev nods to Kahlan and walks back into the campsite. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:34 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:37 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:38 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:47 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Kahlan
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:48 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 01:50:50 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Jan 18 01:51:09 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori drops back to the ground. "Is everyone okay."
[Wed Jan 18 01:51:31 2006] : (2) Horis: Every one looks to be breathing right now
[Wed Jan 18 01:51:36 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan nods to Horis thanks **
[Wed Jan 18 01:52:10 2006] : (2) Horis: Dori can you make it back to the camp fire?
[Wed Jan 18 01:53:11 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan heads to the campsite **
[Wed Jan 18 01:54:01 2006] : ** Milton makes his way to the campsite **
[Wed Jan 18 01:54:04 2006] : (3) Dori: "I'm glad. That think was unbelieveable. Yeah, I can but to be honest, I really don't think I have a lot of time left, I spent a lot of life energy fighting that snake thing. I really don't want to spend my last few moments on earth sitting around the fire."
[Wed Jan 18 01:54:42 2006] : (2) Horis: you are not dieing today
[Wed Jan 18 01:55:06 2006] : (2) Horis: But you do need to be more careful with you "power"
[Wed Jan 18 01:55:07 2006] : (3) Dori: "Horis, I can feel it inside the fire is almost out."
[Wed Jan 18 01:55:09 2006] : Milton: (( well, in that case, I can think of a way to spend it))
[Wed Jan 18 01:55:27 2006] : ** Valdrin wanders off in search of any stray arrows that are useable **
[Wed Jan 18 01:55:30 2006] : (2) Horis: It can grow again
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:02 2006] : (3) Dori: "Horis I can barely control it at this time. It wants to comsume your magical items. I feel them calling to me. But I am not going to let it feed on the only friends I ever had."
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:25 2006] : ** Valdrin finds all but one useable, discovering the arrow that fell the beast to be buried deeply into its skull **
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:38 2006] : (2) Horis: Then lets feed it some now so that it is more managable
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:52 2006] : DM: ((chest))
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:57 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:57:58 2006] : (3) Dori: "Are you sure."
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:02 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:26 2006] : (2) Horis: Dweomerflow Dori (4th) x 3
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:34 2006] : ** (3) Dori prepares to let the fire absorb Horis's magical energy. **
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:48 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:49 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Jan 18 01:58:50 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 01:59:05 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( hope it doesn't absorb the dwarf... that would suck ))
[Wed Jan 18 01:59:48 2006] : (2) Horis: I hope that helps some...
[Wed Jan 18 02:00:20 2006] : (2) Horis: now let get back to camp after that i need some rest...
[Wed Jan 18 02:00:21 2006] : (3) Dori: "Thanks, I helped a little but the fire is still low and still hungers."
[Wed Jan 18 02:00:33 2006] : (3) Dori: (was that 12 levels)
[Wed Jan 18 02:00:40 2006] : (2) Horis: ((yes))
[Wed Jan 18 02:01:02 2006] : DM: ((brb keep rp goin))
[Wed Jan 18 02:01:45 2006] : ** Valdrin wanders off towards the edge of the swamp **
[Wed Jan 18 02:01:48 2006] : (3) Dori: "Okay after you. Unless you think maybe Telineous, Valdrin and myself should look for that things lair."
[Wed Jan 18 02:01:53 2006] : (2) Horis: Kahlan, can you help out dori any or are you to low on compontes?
[Wed Jan 18 02:02:06 2006] : (11) Kahlan: i'm out of most of them
[Wed Jan 18 02:02:20 2006] : (2) Horis: Dori we will find it soon enough
[Wed Jan 18 02:02:44 2006] : (2) Horis: Kahlan do you have any spells that don't take them?
[Wed Jan 18 02:02:49 2006] : DM: ((back))
[Wed Jan 18 02:03:05 2006] : (3) Dori: "Okay," Dori replies as she places her hand into the fire in a vain attempt to feel warmer
[Wed Jan 18 02:03:11 2006] : (11) Kahlan: not anything that would help
[Wed Jan 18 02:03:40 2006] : (3) Dori: "The fire will comsume anything."
[Wed Jan 18 02:03:40 2006] : (2) Horis: A little at a time would still be something..
[Wed Jan 18 02:04:43 2006] : ** (2) Horis looks to the sky to see what has become of this day **
[Wed Jan 18 02:06:54 2006] : (3) Dori: "Where did Valdrin go."
[Wed Jan 18 02:07:25 2006] : (2) Horis: most likely to look for tresure
[Wed Jan 18 02:07:52 2006] : (3) Dori: "Ah,
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:08 2006] : (3) Dori: "He won't rip us off will he?"
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:19 2006] : (2) Horis: That battle took some out of me
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:31 2006] : (2) Horis: in the end yes at some point he will
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:35 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:45 2006] : (2) Horis: (Food/Drink)
[Wed Jan 18 02:08:54 2006] : Milton: treasure?
[Wed Jan 18 02:09:07 2006] : ** (3) Dori sighs **
[Wed Jan 18 02:09:08 2006] : Milton: the map will led us to the treasure
[Wed Jan 18 02:09:28 2006] : Milton: after we find the necro-guy
[Wed Jan 18 02:10:38 2006] : (3) Dori: "I'll be back this fire isn't helping me. I might as well scout the area."
[Wed Jan 18 02:10:46 2006] : (2) Horis: ((meat that tastes like chicken Ale and beer some mixed nuts and flat bread apears for the meal))
[Wed Jan 18 02:10:52 2006] : Milton: be careful, dori
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:02 2006] : (3) Dori: "I will thanks Milton."
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:17 2006] : (2) Horis: Don't over extend yourself, and wait until after dinner
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:19 2006] : Milton: (( what's chicken ale ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:38 2006] : (2) Horis: ((I miss a , so sue me))
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:49 2006] : Milton: ((rofl))
[Wed Jan 18 02:11:50 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori grabs some food, "I'll eat on the way." She wanders off.
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:09 2006] : ** (2) Horis eats slowly **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:12 2006] : ** Milton grabs some grub **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:18 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev grabs some food and wanders off into the swamp. **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:24 2006] : ** Valdrin reappears breifly to light a torch **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:26 2006] : ** (2) Horis watchs Dori as far as he can **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:34 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan eats **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:41 2006] : ** Milton rests **
[Wed Jan 18 02:12:47 2006] : (3) Dori: "Hey Valdrin was going to go look for you."
[Wed Jan 18 02:13:40 2006] : (3) Dori: "Where did you wander off to."
[Wed Jan 18 02:14:48 2006] : ** Valdrin disappears again **
[Wed Jan 18 02:14:59 2006] : ** (3) Dori follows Valdrin. **
[Wed Jan 18 02:15:14 2006] : ** (3) Dori is annoyed that valdrin is ignoring her. **
[Wed Jan 18 02:15:48 2006] : Milton: (( dori is in for a dissappointment))
[Wed Jan 18 02:15:59 2006] : ** (2) Horis puts him meal down after losing sight of Dori and heads to a bed **
[Wed Jan 18 02:17:10 2006] : DM: Soon all of you smell the most dank and horrid burning smell you have ever smelled coming for mthe direction of the battle site...
[Wed Jan 18 02:17:24 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan sighs that figures **
[Wed Jan 18 02:17:36 2006] : Milton: (( oh GOD! it's TODD!!!))
[Wed Jan 18 02:18:21 2006] : (2) Horis: well some one needed to do that a guess...
[Wed Jan 18 02:18:35 2006] : ** (2) Horis makes himself more comfortable **
[Wed Jan 18 02:18:44 2006] : Milton: (( todd, you know I love ya ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:19:24 2006] : ** (5) Mike tries pulling again on the chain with a tree branch **
[Wed Jan 18 02:19:33 2006] : ** Milton rolls out his bedroll and goes to sleep **
[Wed Jan 18 02:19:58 2006] : (3) Dori: "Valdrin what in the heck are you doing."
[Wed Jan 18 02:20:06 2006] : DM: Valdrin gets no where with his efforts
[Wed Jan 18 02:20:40 2006] : ** (7) Malkiev wanders back into camp and lies down to get some sleep. **
[Wed Jan 18 02:21:25 2006] : DM: (( thanx Ken))
[Wed Jan 18 02:21:47 2006] : ** (11) Kahlan lays down and goes to bed **
[Wed Jan 18 02:22:14 2006] : DM: ((ok guys who has what needs for hp and who needs to rest for how long to be back to suitbale fightin condition
[Wed Jan 18 02:22:35 2006] : ** Valdrin lets out a grunt in frustration and leaves the beast to burn **
[Wed Jan 18 02:22:40 2006] : (3) Dori: (I am down 7 hp and 61 sf)
[Wed Jan 18 02:22:42 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( full nights rest here ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:22:44 2006] : (2) Horis: ((I need over night for sp))
[Wed Jan 18 02:23:11 2006] : (7) Malkiev: (( I'm down 13 HP ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:23:19 2006] : (3) Dori: "Valdrin you could have asked for help."
[Wed Jan 18 02:23:33 2006] : Milton: (( i need 28 HP for full strength ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:23:33 2006] : Valdrin: I prefer to work alone
[Wed Jan 18 02:23:47 2006] : (3) Dori: "And why is that."
[Wed Jan 18 02:24:14 2006] : DM: (( what are the odds that everyone can ge thealed within one day Joe))
[Wed Jan 18 02:24:17 2006] : Valdrin: I don't exactly blend into crowds... nor do I tend to play well with others
[Wed Jan 18 02:24:38 2006] : (2) Horis: ((heal is good the sf isn't though
[Wed Jan 18 02:25:15 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori chuckles, "You not the only one. But since we are both a little different how about we try to be friends." Dori offers her hand.
[Wed Jan 18 02:25:19 2006] : DM: (( ok here is the deal))
[Wed Jan 18 02:25:40 2006] : DM: (( I need you guys to think about what you wanna do next))
[Wed Jan 18 02:25:53 2006] : (2) Horis: ((not die))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:15 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( sounds good to me ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:29 2006] : DM: (( you can choose to continue to pursue the necromncer or you can cut your losses and move on back to the main mission))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:39 2006] : DM: ((I don't want your answrright now))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:48 2006] : DM: ((put some thought into it))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:55 2006] : Milton: (( I thought the plan was to build the Solvidon sled, kill the necromancer, and find the treasure of the dusty guy))
[Wed Jan 18 02:26:58 2006] : ** Valdrin reluctantly shakes Doris' hand, casually eyeing her posessions **
[Wed Jan 18 02:27:35 2006] : Milton: (( didn't we make a promise to someone to get the necromancer?))
[Wed Jan 18 02:27:39 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori shakes Valdrin's hand while casually eyeing his posessions.
[Wed Jan 18 02:27:50 2006] : DM: (( send me your thoughts on this in an emai land do not share your ideas with any one if you can avoid it))
[Wed Jan 18 02:28:24 2006] : DM: (( well pronises are llike legs Ken...meant to be broken))
[Wed Jan 18 02:28:47 2006] : Milton: ((uh... what?))
[Wed Jan 18 02:30:25 2006] : DM: ((ok keep that in mind as we prep for the next encounter and session))
[Wed Jan 18 02:30:40 2006] : ** (6) Ken stares, awe-stricken and puzzled, into space **
[Wed Jan 18 02:30:50 2006] : (11) Kahlan: nothing new there
[Wed Jan 18 02:31:30 2006] : DM: ((email me you thoughts and I will send xp....I have got to go..I am dead tired and the next encounter could take two hours and tha tis wit hme being awake...))
[Wed Jan 18 02:31:59 2006] : DM: ((if your wanna use a day to heal everyone up and have that done just rp it and send me the log))
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:12 2006] : (3) Dori: (ok)
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:21 2006] : (3) Dori: (so are we rping more)
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:31 2006] : (11) Kahlan: ok im out to guys... i think i'm comming down with a cold.....
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:33 2006] : DM: that is up to you guys))
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:57 2006] : DM: but try to get your healing done so we hae it out of the way for next week))
[Wed Jan 18 02:32:59 2006] : (2) Horis: ((I am I get xp for it ;) ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:33:08 2006] : (6) Ken: you can't have a cold - you just got over one!!
[Wed Jan 18 02:33:26 2006] : (11) Kahlan: i just got over influenza not a cold ken
[Wed Jan 18 02:33:52 2006] : DM: ((Joe send me the log ritew away after your close it up...just remeber that no one get can make any life altering decisions with out me))
[Wed Jan 18 02:33:55 2006] : (6) Ken: fine! don't get over a cold ken
[Wed Jan 18 02:34:27 2006] : (2) Horis: ((ok that we can do, night pass next day))
[Wed Jan 18 02:34:36 2006] : (6) Ken: milton wants a sex change - that's not life altering
[Wed Jan 18 02:34:41 2006] : (6) Ken: is it?
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:03 2006] : (3) Dori: no sex changes are not that life alterin
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:13 2006] : (6) Ken: good
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:27 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:36 2006] : DM: (( Mike the caracass burns and you find a very long chain attached to some unknown strcuture deep in the waters of the swamp))
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:37 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Malkiev
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:48 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:50 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:54 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:55 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:57 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 18 02:35:58 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:02 2006] : DM: (( NITE ALL ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:03 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:04 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:07 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:08 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:16 2006] : (6) Ken: GN, Todd!!
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:21 2006] : ** (3) Dori looks at the chain. **
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:26 2006] : (2) Horis: ((night toad))
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:30 2006] : (11) Kahlan: (( nite everyone ))
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:30 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well that is interesting."
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:34 2006] : (3) Dori: (night)
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:44 2006] : (11) Kahlan (exit): 02:36
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:46 2006] : DM: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:47 2006] : (4) Todd (exit): 02:36
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:51 2006] : (6) Ken: (( mike's not here, right now, Deb))
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:52 2006] : (2) Horis: CLW Milton
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:55 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 02:36:56 2006] : (3) Dori: "It looks like that think was a guard dog."
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:00 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:02 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:04 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:11 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:12 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:15 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:17 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:19 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:19 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:21 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:22 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:25 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:26 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d8] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Jan 18 02:37:54 2006] : ** (2) Horis finds Dori **
[Wed Jan 18 02:38:04 2006] : (6) Ken has sent you a tree node...
[Wed Jan 18 02:38:07 2006] : (3) Dori: "Hey Horis."
[Wed Jan 18 02:38:33 2006] : (2) Horis: Less see if we can care for that fire a bit more today
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:06 2006] : (3) Dori: "Okay, i appreciate it. I am really cold. I don't know what it feels like to be warm anymore."
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:16 2006] : ** (2) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:39 2006] : (2) Horis: Dweomerflow Dori (4th) x 7
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:43 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:44 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:45 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:45 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:46 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:47 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 02:39:48 2006] : (2) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Jan 18 02:40:16 2006] : (3) Dori: (can I ask why you roll a d20 for each spell)
[Wed Jan 18 02:40:53 2006] : (2) Horis: ((it is a todd thing... It has efects some time other times not, but we do it all the time
[Wed Jan 18 02:40:55 2006] : (3) Dori: (a assume it has to do with how todd runs magic)
[Wed Jan 18 02:41:24 2006] : (3) Dori: (figured didn't really worry about it since I'm not a spell caster)
[Wed Jan 18 02:41:37 2006] : (2) Horis: ((thats the best plan))
[Wed Jan 18 02:41:54 2006] : (2) Horis: ((so yeah 28 levels))
[Wed Jan 18 02:42:13 2006] : (3) Dori: "Horis can you do anytthing about this bite wound."
[Wed Jan 18 02:42:40 2006] : (2) Horis: Lets take a look at it...
[Wed Jan 18 02:42:52 2006] : (2) Horis: ((healing non wep))
[Wed Jan 18 02:43:25 2006] : (2) Horis: 16-[1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Jan 18 02:43:33 2006] : (2) Horis: ((pass))
[Wed Jan 18 02:43:56 2006] : ** (2) Horis cleans and binds the wound **
[Wed Jan 18 02:44:22 2006] : (2) Horis: that well have to do for today, tomarrow I can do more
[Wed Jan 18 02:44:54 2006] : (3) Dori: "Okay thanks"
[Wed Jan 18 02:45:27 2006] : (2) Horis: Now you much refrain for using you power in place that it is not needed
[Wed Jan 18 02:45:36 2006] : (2) Horis: must*
[Wed Jan 18 02:46:04 2006] : (2) Horis: Now you must refrain from using you power in places that it is not needed
[Wed Jan 18 02:46:59 2006] : (2) Horis: Afmin will not abid this waist of his power for very long
[Wed Jan 18 02:47:33 2006] : (3) Dori: "Horis a giant snake was biting me numerous times. I think it was needed."
[Wed Jan 18 02:48:17 2006] : (3) Dori: "the fire raged at it twice and the thing didn't even slow down."
[Wed Jan 18 02:48:27 2006] : (2) Horis: I think you still underestame the rest of the group... We will help you...
[Wed Jan 18 02:49:16 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well, at times that is hard to believe with everyone running off on their own."
[Wed Jan 18 02:49:22 2006] : (2) Horis: beast like that one know no better
[Wed Jan 18 02:49:28 2006] : (3) Dori: "But thank you Horis"
[Wed Jan 18 02:49:42 2006] : ** (3) Dori nods **
[Wed Jan 18 02:50:28 2006] : (2) Horis: We have our problems and make our mistakes, but we have been though many battle together and have fair quite well..
[Wed Jan 18 02:51:01 2006] : (3) Dori: "yeah we all have problems."
[Wed Jan 18 02:51:23 2006] : (2) Horis: yours seems to be trusting others
[Wed Jan 18 02:52:58 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori laughs, "Me have problems trusting others. If I remember correctly Kahlan implied I was a thief, shortly after our first meeting.
[Wed Jan 18 02:53:51 2006] : (2) Horis: Kahlan though I was a theif when first we met... She also has troubles..
[Wed Jan 18 02:53:58 2006] : (3) Dori: "I trust this group more than they trust me."
[Wed Jan 18 02:55:01 2006] : (2) Horis: This is true... but as we travel together that will change... As we fight together it will evolve...
[Wed Jan 18 02:56:51 2006] : (3) Dori: "And you know you attacked me shortly after we first met." Dori chuckles, "Look at us now, "
[Wed Jan 18 02:58:45 2006] : (2) Horis: As understanding emproves so does trust... I follow Afmin all those who I travel with and protect must first past a test to see if they are worthy of Afmin's favor
[Wed Jan 18 02:59:40 2006] : (2) Horis: Be happy with the simple test that was give, many have not past the Hard test.
[Wed Jan 18 03:00:00 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well you know there got to be a better test that doesn't offen people." Dori quirks her brow.
[Wed Jan 18 03:00:04 2006] : (3) Dori: "Harder."
[Wed Jan 18 03:00:54 2006] : (2) Horis: If you were to come to a temple and ask for a priest to travel with you the test takes many days and some don't finish...
[Wed Jan 18 03:01:55 2006] : (7) Malkiev: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 03:01:56 2006] : (7) Malkiev (exit): 03:01
[Wed Jan 18 03:01:56 2006] : (3) Dori: "Ah," Dori pauses. "So what made you swear service to a being like Afrim."
[Wed Jan 18 03:02:11 2006] : (2) Horis: The one i have given is just enough to see if Afmin may grant you his favor, there is no other easier way.
[Wed Jan 18 03:03:02 2006] : (2) Horis: I here the call went I was yound and enter the temple, I made my way to the alter and was taken in by Afmin.
[Wed Jan 18 03:03:10 2006] : (2) Horis: herd*
[Wed Jan 18 03:03:36 2006] : (2) Horis: I herd the call when I was yound and entered the temple, I made my way to the alter and was taken in by Afmin.
[Wed Jan 18 03:03:54 2006] : (3) Dori: "So he called you to him."
[Wed Jan 18 03:04:34 2006] : (2) Horis: Yes, I had a gift that let me be efective on his path.
[Wed Jan 18 03:04:58 2006] : (3) Dori: "So are you happy living for him instead of yourself"
[Wed Jan 18 03:05:23 2006] : (2) Horis: I wouldn't have my life any other way.
[Wed Jan 18 03:06:11 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori nods, "Do you believe in other gods too, even if you don't follow them."
[Wed Jan 18 03:06:55 2006] : (2) Horis: Afmin is but one of many that are, our friend over there would have you prase Solvadon
[Wed Jan 18 03:07:18 2006] : Valdrin: well i am going to hit the rack guys... nite everyone
[Wed Jan 18 03:07:29 2006] : (2) Horis: I feel no ill toward him as he found his oun path.
[Wed Jan 18 03:07:40 2006] : (2) Horis: ((night Mike and Ken))
[Wed Jan 18 03:08:19 2006] : (3) Dori: night
[Wed Jan 18 03:08:20 2006] : (6) Ken: milton is sleeping, there;s no reason for me to stay online. Goodnight, Deb and Joe - see you tomorrow, Joe
[Wed Jan 18 03:08:43 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori nods again. "Well I give praise any god that will hear me when I need them."
[Wed Jan 18 03:08:45 2006] : (2) Horis: ((monday but who looking ))
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:06 2006] : Valdrin: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:07 2006] : (5) Valdrin (exit): 03:09
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:10 2006] : (2) Horis: Most only listen to though whofollow them
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:24 2006] : (2) Horis: those*
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:30 2006] : (6) Ken: you mean I have to work with Knoll the next two days!?
[Wed Jan 18 03:09:49 2006] : (2) Horis: ((no andy tomarow and knoll thur))
[Wed Jan 18 03:10:07 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well, I don't follow Afrim in particular but he let you heal me."
[Wed Jan 18 03:10:17 2006] : (6) Ken: interesting
[Wed Jan 18 03:10:30 2006] : (6) Ken: has Andy worked second shift before?
[Wed Jan 18 03:10:45 2006] : (2) Horis: He gives me some freedom in what I choose to do with the power he grants me
[Wed Jan 18 03:10:52 2006] : (2) Horis: ((once with me))
[Wed Jan 18 03:11:24 2006] : (6) Ken: OK. later
[Wed Jan 18 03:11:50 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well I was pray that wounds would heal, so didn't he grant my pray though you."
[Wed Jan 18 03:12:24 2006] : (2) Horis: I believe he healed the more imporant wound in you
[Wed Jan 18 03:12:52 2006] : (6) Ken: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 03:12:53 2006] : (6) Ken (exit): 03:12
[Wed Jan 18 03:14:33 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well I am glad that Afrim did, it was a sure thing the lord of shadows wouldn't have.
[Wed Jan 18 03:15:34 2006] : (2) Horis: besides Solvadon has give our friend Malkiev the ablity to heal wounds, but that power does not help your other need
[Wed Jan 18 03:16:18 2006] : (3) Dori: "Yeah, true. What is Solvadon a god of."
[Wed Jan 18 03:16:53 2006] : (2) Horis: justice, is what Malkiev proclams.
[Wed Jan 18 03:17:35 2006] : (3) Dori: "Ah okay. To be honest, I had never heard of either Afrim or Solvadon before meeting you guys."
[Wed Jan 18 03:18:30 2006] : (2) Horis: This does not surprize me much as we have both traveled far from our homes to this place for differnt reasons
[Wed Jan 18 03:22:05 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori nods. "Yeah, the only god I had hear of was the lord of shadows.
[Wed Jan 18 03:22:36 2006] : (3) Dori: "Creepy bastard. You pray that he doesn't come and kill you in the dark."
[Wed Jan 18 03:23:14 2006] : (2) Horis: The more you travel the more gods you will hear of and many will be tempting to follow, but you must find the right once for you not jst the easy one.
[Wed Jan 18 03:24:23 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well to be honest, I think I will just give them all the due respect."
[Wed Jan 18 03:24:46 2006] : (2) Horis: If he would dare fine me in the dark I would with Afmins help show him the light.
[Wed Jan 18 03:25:34 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well, I wouldn't want to see two gods clash."
[Wed Jan 18 03:25:50 2006] : (2) Horis: That is a good way of never finding a path in your life. You need to have some thing to guide you other then that fire of yours.
[Wed Jan 18 03:26:31 2006] : (2) Horis: To see Afmin in a good battle would end my life with great joy.
[Wed Jan 18 03:27:23 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well have you ever though maybe it might me my place to find my own path without guidance."
[Wed Jan 18 03:29:33 2006] : (2) Horis: That is an admerable idea, but it tens never to work out with out great pain to those arround you.
[Wed Jan 18 03:30:50 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well I think pain happens any way."
[Wed Jan 18 03:31:32 2006] : (2) Horis: pain is aways going to be there how much in one place can vary.
[Wed Jan 18 03:31:53 2006] : (3) Dori: "Very true."
[Wed Jan 18 03:35:35 2006] : (3) Dori: "Well I should go work of that raft. If we want to get out of here."
[Wed Jan 18 03:36:15 2006] : (2) Horis: I don't time a raft is the right way to go, but if we are doing that I should help.
[Wed Jan 18 03:36:49 2006] : (3) Dori: "I don't see another way across. So start helping."
[Wed Jan 18 03:37:04 2006] : (3) Dori: "We need to finish this necromancer off."
[Wed Jan 18 03:37:30 2006] : (2) Horis: I will follow your lead to were the parts are. This is true enough.
[Wed Jan 18 03:38:09 2006] : ** (3) Dori goes and continues working on the raft. **
[Wed Jan 18 03:38:19 2006] : ** (2) Horis follows Dori. **
[Wed Jan 18 03:39:06 2006] : (2) enwewn: see you next time, i think the plan is to not play next week, but the week after, as we are going to meet in perason next week
[Wed Jan 18 03:39:26 2006] : (2) enwewn: though that could change watch for an e-mail
[Wed Jan 18 03:39:44 2006] : (3) Dori: ah.
[Wed Jan 18 03:39:57 2006] : (3) Dori: well I guess I won't be there for the meet in person. lol
[Wed Jan 18 03:40:17 2006] : (3) Dori: later
[Wed Jan 18 03:40:22 2006] : (2) enwewn: laters
[Wed Jan 18 03:42:20 2006] : (3) Dori: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Jan 18 03:42:21 2006] : (3) Dori (exit): 03:42
[Wed Jan 18 03:42:26 2006] : Game disconnected!

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